Heavy Rain is pretty great for both player and viewer. Rob played a lot of it, but it was actually one of the few games where I could be involved without playing because it played out like a movie. I had to keep watching it.
Zumba for the PS3 Move isn't quite everything I wanted it to be- it's definitely fun, definitely a work out but I have trouble keeping the controller in the game-provided belt and feel that it's one of the Move games with not-so-great movement detection. I'm trying to convince my friend with the XBox Kinect to get it for his girlfriend so that she and I can play it one day. Basically, so I can compare motion-systems.
Also, I should mention that getting a work-out game as a "gift" may not go over well in the lady-world. It may send the wrong message, unless she's been asking for that particular game. Lady-friendly games thus far: Katamari (anything), Little Big Planet 1 & 2 (love love love love LBP) and Indiana Jones Lego-version. That is, if she's an Indiana Jones fan. I think the lego games are all pretty charming and simple. But I guess that depends on her gaming style. For me, I like ultra-cute things. And Heavy Rain (not very cute at all, despite the origami crane on its cover).
Rob and I are definitely having some problems with certain games more than others and we aren't sure if it's the size of our living room or if it's the game itself. Does anyone else have a PSMove and if so, are you having the same issues?
Not that it matters, because the next time I will be playing with the Move is when Rob is done playing TOR. Apparently, this is an end not in sight.
(....just worked one very long shift filled with very angry, pregnant ladies. sorry for the rambles)