Quote:Over the April 9, 2011 weekend, some of our Dragon Age: Origins content servers experienced an as yet unidentified failure. As a result, users began to experience error messages when attempting to access their downloadable content, indicating that the DLC was unauthorized.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are currently investigating and working to resolve the issue on our end. We will update this thread once we know more.
UPDATE - Tuesday, April 12, 5:40 PM
We're continuing to investigate, both here and at EA. We have some theories about what is occurring but no firm fix at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and request your patience while our engineers continue working towards a solution.
I'm a huge fan of Bioware, but this hasn't been a good year for them. Dragon Age II was a bit of a letdown as far as sequels go, and now this. As a network engineer, I can't possibly imagine how a system as crucial as this could go offline for 72 hours without
someone at least figuring out what the heck is wrong. Thank God their IT staff works for a game company and not a hospital, utility, or the military.
If you're going to run with something as objectionable as active DRM for a single player game, you owe it to your customers to have a system that is both reliable and recoverable. This isn't rocket science.
(...can't play DA:O at all because he's in a DLC map.)