I was looking at old LAN pics today and thought I'd share a few of my favorites. If you've got any awesome LAN pics laying around on your hard drive, post 'em!
I guess we'll get things started with a picture of Briney... or two.
Whatever happened to this thing, Briney?
Briney with low disk space, despite the 47 hard drives in his system. It's blurry because Briney was trying to wrestle the camera away from me at the time.
Check out Briney's monitor... ha!
El Brando, looking particularly evil because of my crappy digital camera.
Oh Jutty, where art thou?
Lapper battle! Great for portability, horrible for frame rate!
This is what my network used to look like... (and I still have this thing somewhere!)
Shizza! Anybody have any idea what he's up to these days?
This picture is absolutely dying for a Photoshop!
Stewie, proving that Briney doesn't hold the market on odd expressions...
Ha! Suck it, Ironman! I'm pretty sure our kill ratio was 25:1 in your favor, but still... you have to enjoy the little victories!
Alright, it's not a LAN picture, but I came across this at the same time and it's always good for a laugh.