I made a thing! I've been playing with the light boards in Fallout 4 and decided to make an absolutely massive tribute to the character Magus from the greatest game ever made, Chrono Trigger.
Magus is on hand to greet visitors to Sanctuary just as they cross the bridge.
The lights can be easily seen from Red Rocket, but they look a bit jittery. I've set the draw distance to maximum within the game, but haven't tried editing the *.ini file yet.
This was the initial function test after completing assembly. It took roughly 8 hours to build everything.
I initially linked every column of light boards in series, then wired the bottom board back to a pole. Unfortunately, after running all the wires, I realized there was no black color option, so I had to rewire about 30% of the lights to two switched poles so I could turn off the boards corresponding to black pixels.
To the left of the bridge is the generator house. It's four stories tall. The first three floors are filled with medium generators (large generators won't fit within a single story) and the top is filled with large generators. In total, the light board has 651 tiles (21x31), each requiring 1 unit of power.
(...spent way too much time on this.)