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Very Hot Topic (More than 100 Replies) Presidential Candidates (Read 106133 times)
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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #105 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 11:23am
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I just came across a terrifying article about Michelle Obama (Barak's wife).  Check out this comment:

"The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."

Dear Michelle,

You're already taking the biggest slice of my pie, and you're not getting anymore just so you can give it to people that are too damn lazy to bake their own.  Blow me.

Kindest regards,

In case this sounds familiar, let me remind you of a Hillary Clinton quote from a couple years ago:

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

In a fascist society, there's only one pie and the state owns it and decides how much each person gets.

In a communist society, there's only one pie, everyone supposedly owns it, and everyone supposedly gets an equal share of it, but some get a more equal share of it than others.

In a capitalist society, the world is one great big bakery, and everyone is responsible for making and baking his or her own pie, deciding for him/herself how many pies to bake, how big to make them, what flavors to bake, and what to do with them after baking them!

(...prefers the capitalistic society, thank you very much.)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #106 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 11:30am
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And don't forget that there are a bunch of people who love other people without pie and are willing to help them get their own and how to also make their own.

"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever".

Too bad we don't go back to that old axiom.


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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #107 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 11:50am
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I prefer, "build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night; set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life."

You guys have to see by now that work is hard...and annoying!  In fact I have to wake up early in the morning when I don't want to just to show up to work on time!

This world would be so much better with the government just handing out money so no one would every have to go to work ever again.  What's the worst that could happen??  We could drive the country into a ginormous debt?...Bwahaha...Oh wait.
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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #108 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 12:49pm
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Ford made a profit this quarter, so it can't be all bad.

(...was surprised.)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #109 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 1:02pm
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I think the only reason that happened was because they sold off volvo and landrover to some saudi car company.

...which was good, volvo was a HUGE money sink.
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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #110 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 1:09pm
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Yeah, but with a name like vul Volvo, how could you ever expect to sell a car?

( feeling crass today.)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #111 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 1:18pm
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They expected to sell them just like toyota sells cars.  Riding the good rep they had back in the late 80's.  Funny, with enough money Car & Driver will print whatever the hell you want.
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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #112 - May 21st, 2008 at 11:32am
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From CNN to the New York Times, the media hyped Barack Obama's Portland, Oregon rally on Sunday, some comparing him to a rock star.

Unmentioned in national reporting was the fact that Obama was preceded by a rare, 45-minute free concert by actual rock stars The Decemberists. The Portland-based band has drawn rave reviews from Rolling Stone magazine, which gave their 2005 album Picaresque four and a half stars (out of five), and another four and a half stars for 2007's The Crane Wife.

How many of the people showed up to hear Obama, and how many to hear the band?

Here's how the local paper The Oregonian, which estimated the crowd at 72,000, reported the rally:

"Obama was the biggest star at Sunday's gathering -- though a popular Portland band, The Decemberists, provided the warmup act. With blue skies and temperatures in the 80s, many in the crowd said Waterfront Park was simply the place to be."

CNN headlined its 10 p.m. segment on May 18 with "Barack Obama: Achieving Rock Star Status in Oregon."

The New York Times, which ran a color photo of the crowd, estimated the throng at 75,000, noting that it was "the largest crowd of his campaign so far." There was no mention of The Decemberists, and the Times described the weather as "an unseasonably hot day."

Indie rock Web sites were abuzz with news of the impending concert, which was also announced on the Obama campaign's Web site.

Here's the report from the Indie rock Web site Pitchfork:

By land and by sea, they came to see the great man speak. An estimated 75,000 in all turned out to see presidential hopeful Barack Obama at Portland's Waterfront Park yesterday afternoon-- a record crowd for Obama's own campaign, according to The New York Times, and a record crowd for Oregon political events, according to The Oregonian. Just look at them all!

And hey, they got to see a pretty sweet opening act too. Calling themselves the Decemberists and led by lovably literate Steve Novick endorser Colin Meloy, this feisty fivepiece charmed the gathered for a good 45 minutes before Senator Obama took the stump. They even closed out with a sing-along entitled "Sons & Daughters", which had the masses joining the band to declare "Here all the bombs fade away..." Something tells me this Decemberists band is going places. Just like Senator Obama.

Here's how Pitchfork primed the pump for the concert/rally:

Indie rock's #1 candidate crush Barack Obama is sittin' quite a bit prettier than he was a few weeks ago when the Arcade Fire and Bruce Springsteen went to bat for him, but the dashing junior Senator hasn't quite clinched the Democratic party nomination yet. Next up on the primary agenda are Oregon and Kentucky, whose voters hit the polls Tuesday, May 20. Should Obama win a heaping majority of the delegates up for grabs that day, he'll be within inches of securing the hotly-contested nom.

And look who's arrived to give Obama the extra push he needs to get on the ballot in November. Why, it's none other than those kings and queens of the month after, the Decemberists!

There's nothing wrong with a candidate using celebrity power to draw a crowd, but the media have a responsibility to report their presence. By ignoring the free concert, the Times and other outlets made it appear that 75,000 people were drawn only by Sen. Obama's considerable charisma.

Wow, it's awfully nice of the mass media to mention the fact that Obama's "campaign rally" followed a free concert.


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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #113 - May 28th, 2008 at 1:16pm
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Just in case Obama or Hillary start talking about socialized healthcare again, here is an article that perfectly surmises the state of Canada's health system.

She lay 5 days on stretcher in ER

Toronto Sun
Fri, May 23, 2008

Mark Degasperis was furious his mother spent five days on a stretcher at Toronto Western Hospital waiting for a room with 25 patients ahead of her -- until the Toronto Sun made a call and she was suddenly moved to a room yesterday.

"They were giving us the same old song and dance why she was in the emergency department with only a sheet draped around her. I couldn't even call her because she didn't have a phone," Degasperis of Georgetown said.

Heather Degasperis, 60, has a dangerous bacterial condition and was sent by her doctor to Toronto Western because it has the experts for her condition.

"She is not well and wasn't able to sleep and she wasn't getting any better. She needed peace and quiet to sleep.

"This is a terrible environment. I suggested taking her to another hospital, but we were told there are long waits across the region and the doctors we need are here. So there was nothing we could do," Degasperis said yesterday.

"I'm angry we pay such high taxes and the more money we throw at the health care system the worse it gets. People shouldn't be lined up on stretchers in the emergency department. If you are sick you should get a room."

Because of patient confidentiality laws, the hospital isn't able to comment on patients, so it is unclear if Degasperis's mother jumped the line because the Sun made a call.

Dr. Bob Bell, president and CEO of the University Health Network, which includes Toronto Western, said the problem of overcrowding has nothing to do with the emergency department.

"The problem is the flow of patients in the hospital. What we need is an alternative level of care for folks who are not ready to go home but don't need acute care," Bell said.

"We are trying desperately to improve the experience folks have, but we need more capacity in the community."

Obviously, it's not working.  At all.  Ever.

(...wonders if Canada will ever admit defeat?)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #114 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 9:07am
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Paul suspends presidential campaign; forms new organization


WASHINGTON (CNN) – Texas Rep. Ron Paul announced Thursday he is suspending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to focus his time on building an organization to help recruit and elect “limited government Republicans.”

“We want to elect constitutionalists, limited government Republicans across the country at the state and federal level,” said Paul spokesman Jesse Benton.

The congressman will speak about his political plans at the Texas Republican State Convention being held in Houston. Late Thursday afternoon, Paul launched a Web site for his new organization where he explained the decision to suspend his presidential campaign and form “Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty.”

“With the primary season now over, the presidential campaign is at an end,” Paul said in the letter. “But the larger campaign for freedom is just getting started.”

Arizona Sen. John McCain locked up the GOP nomination back in March, but unlike his fellow Republicans running for president, Paul never abandoned his White House bid.

Paul’s decision to leave the race is an acknowledgment he had no chance of winning the GOP nomination. But even in loss, Paul is one of a handful of candidates who walked away from this presidential contest a winner. His presidential campaign had a broad base of support that included traditionally fiscal and socially conservative Republicans to young people who were angry about the U.S. decision to wage war against Iraq.

The Internet helped to tie together his group of supporters who joined the “Ron Paul Revolution.”

“The work of the Campaign for Liberty will take many forms,” Paul wrote in the letter posted on his Web site. “We will educate our fellow Americans in freedom, sound money, non-interventionism, and free markets. We’ll have our own commentaries and videos on the news of the day. I’ll work with friends I respect to design materials for homeschoolers."

He added, “Politically, we’ll expand the great work of our precinct leader program. We’ll make our presence felt at every level of government, where just a few people with our level of enthusiasm can make a world of difference. We’ll keep an eye on Congress and lobby against legislation that threatens us. We’ll identify and support political candidates who champion our great ideas against the empty suits the party establishments offer the public.”

Paul will not endorse McCain, unless the Arizona senator “wants to change some of his positions,” Benton said. But Benton added that this effort in no way is intended to hurt McCain in November.

Well, I guess I have to try to get excited about John McCain now.

(...thinks McCain sucks.)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #115 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 9:57am
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I definitely think Paul is taking the right approach here.  Even when he had no chance to be the nominee, he still fought to get his message out and be another voice between the two that sound almost the same.  I think now he's doing what's best as well.  He's really the only candidate to still be not in the red after ending his run and he's going to put that money, that was donated to him by people who believe in his message, to the best use of how they would want that money to be used.  It's not going into some war chest or being donated to a charity.  It's going to be used for the political reasons towards why the people gave him their money.  I'm telling ya, Ron Paul seems like the only sane and consistent person in that lions den we call Washington.


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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #116 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 8:54am
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( one of the White House internship tryouts continues!)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #117 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 3:13pm
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Quick!  Someone tell that chick on the left the 80s are over!


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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #118 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 9:44am
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"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set.  We have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." -Barack Obama July 2, 2008

Fascism is alive and well in the Obama campaign.  Apparently he wants to create his own Sturm Abteilung.

(...thinks this is how Obama will get around that pesky Posse Comitatus.)

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Re: Presidential Candidates
Reply #119 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 11:10am
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Oh Obama doesn't have to skirt around Posse Comitatus since Bush has already put that power out of commission and waiting on the next fascist.  You look at how little time he has left and you look at how much harder he is pushing to get all these powers granted to the executive branch.  If this doesn't prove that Bush is a shill puppet of high powers that be...then this entire world is mad and he's the only sane person left.

BTW Barack, if you'd stop paying lip service to the 2nd Amendment and actually read it you'll know that those powers are already in place "a well regulated militia of the people".  Maybe if you and your "kind" would stop putting untold limits on that right you'd have a "strong...civilian national security force"!

The 2nd Amendment is MY Homeland Security!


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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