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Very Hot Topic (More than 100 Replies) HOLY CRAP! News Stories (Read 295747 times)
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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #195 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 11:15am
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Yeah, it's not in first place anymore, but second is pretty darn close!

(...wants to go to D-Town this weekend.)
« Last Edit: Jan 9th, 2008 at 2:19pm by b0b »  

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #196 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 2:18pm
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2nd place is first loser...come on can do you better!


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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #197 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 12:23pm
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Subprime Nation
Patrick Buchanan

January 14, 2008 at 9:29 p.m. Eastern

Since it began to give credit ratings to nations in 1917, Moody's has rated the United States triple-A. U.S. Treasury bonds have been seen as the most secure investment on earth. When crises erupt, nervous money seeks out the world's great safe harbor, the United States. That reputation is now in peril.

Last week, Moody's warned that if the United States fails to rein in the soaring cost of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the nation's credit rating will be down-graded within a decade.

Our political parties seem oblivious. Republicans, save Ron Paul, are all promising to expand the U.S. military and maintain all of our worldwide commitments to defend and subsidize scores of nations.

Democrats, with entitlement costs drowning the federal budget in red ink, are proposing a new entitlement – universal health coverage for the near 50 million who do not have it – another magnet for illegal aliens. Moody's is telling America it needs a time of austerity, while the U.S. government is behaving like the governments we used to bail out.

California has already hit the wall. With an economy as large as a G-8 nation, the Golden State is looking at a $14 billion deficit in 2009 and a $3 billion shortfall in 2008. Gov. Schwarzenegger has called for slashing prison staff by 6,000, including 2,000 guards, early release of 22,000 inmates, closing four dozen state parks and a 10 percent across-the-board cut in all state agencies. The Democratic legislature is demanding tax hikes, which would drive more taxpayers back over the mountains whence their fathers came.

Meanwhile, Washington drifts mindlessly toward the maelstrom. With the dollar sinking, oil surging to $100 a barrel, the Dow having its worst January in memory, foreclosures mounting, credit card debt going rotten, and consumers and businesses unable or unwilling to borrow, we appear headed into recession.

If so, tax revenue will fall and spending on unemployment will surge. The price of the stimulus packages both parties are preparing will further add to the deficit and further imperil the U.S. credit rating. This all comes in the year that the first of the baby boomers, born in 1946, reach early retirement and eligibility for Social Security.

To stave off recession, the Fed appears anxious to slash interest rates another half-point, if not more. That will further weaken the dollar and raise the costs of the imports to which we have become addicted. While all this is bad news for the Republicans, it is worse news for the republic. As we save nothing, we must borrow both to pay for the imported oil and foreign manufactures upon which we have become dependent.

We are thus in the position of having to borrow from Europe to defend Europe, of having to borrow from China and Japan to defend Chinese and Japanese access to Gulf oil, and of having to borrow from Arab emirs, sultans and monarchs to make Iraq safe for democracy.

We borrow from the nations we defend so that we may continue to defend them. To question this is an unpardonable heresy called "isolationism."

And the chickens of globalism are coming home to roost.

We let Europe to get away with imposing value-added taxes averaging 15 percent on our exports to them, while they rebate that value-added tax on their exports to us. Thus, the euro has almost doubled in value against the dollar in the Bush years, as NATO Europe begins to bail out on Iraq and Afghanistan.

We sat still as Japan protected her markets and dumped high quality goods into ours and China undervalued its currency to suck jobs, technology and factories out of the United States. Now, China and Japan have $2 trillion in cash reserves. The Arabs have an equal amount of petrodollars. Both are headed here to spend their depreciating dollars snapping up U.S. assets – banks, ports, highways, defense contractors.

America, to pay her bills, has begun to sell herself to the world.

Its balance sheet gutted by the subprime mortgage crisis, Citicorp got a $7.5 billion injection from Abu Dhabi and is now fishing for $1 billion from Kuwait and $9 billion from China. Beijing has put $5 billion into Morgan Stanley and bought heavily into Barclays Bank.

Merrill-Lynch, ravaged by subprime mortgage losses, sold part of itself to Singapore for $7.5 billion and is seeking another $3 billion to $4 billion from the Arabs. Swiss-based UBS, taking a near $15 billion write-down in subprime mortgages, has gotten an infusion of $10 billion from Singapore.

Bain Capital is partnering with China's Huawei Technologies in a buyout of 3Com, the U.S. company that provides the technology that protects Pentagon computers from Chinese hackers.

This self-indulgent generation has borrowed itself into unpayable debt. Now the folks from whom we borrowed to buy all that oil and all those cars, electronics and clothes are coming to buy the country we inherited. We are prodigal sons, and the day of reckoning approaches.

Bahaha, told you so!

(...thinks it might be time to start building his bunker.)

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #198 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 12:55pm
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Whoa whoa whoa.  Are you telling me I really couldn't afford that house that cost 40 times my annual salary?

And that article almost states that we might be losing money by continuing the war?!

...on a side note, anyone else praying every night that california falls into the ocean?  Just me?  Well it would solve a bunch of problems...
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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #199 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 2:46pm
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You mean I can't spend money I don't have on things I don't really need?!

What happened to the Amerika I once knew?!


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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #200 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 3:39pm
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spanky wrote on Jan 15th, 2008 at 12:55pm:
And that article almost states that we might be losing money by continuing the war?!

If they're criticizing the war or its cost, it's obvious they're unpatriotic communists!

(...burn them!)

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #201 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 1:03pm
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This is aimed at people who use peer-to-peer networks and download terabytes

Well time warner is going to start charging for internet access in one town by how much you download.  This is great I love paying more for less service!

And why do they need to do this?  Because, according to them, many people are downloading multiple terabytes of data from p2p each month.

Now b0b is probably the biggest bandwidth whore here so I will direct this question at him.  How many terabytes do you download in 1 month?  

Also to get you to stop downloading that much they are going to cap your usage at 30 gigabytes.  Anyone notice that there is a huge gap between 30GB and 2-3TB?

Why can't these companies get a person who knows what they are talking about to make public statments?

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #202 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 1:42pm
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If they're going to cap downloading at 30GB, how are they going to charge people that are downloading terabytes worth of data?

For what it's worth, my biggest single download session was probably no more than 45GB in a week.  Even if I did that four weeks in a row, that's only about ~200GB in a one month period once you factor in web stuff and the forum traffic.  If somebody is hitting 2-3 terabytes, they're hosting something big, and I have no problem with an ISP selectively notifying those users to cut it out.  They need to be on a dedicated hosting package (probably a frickin' T3 with that much data), not a cable line.

(...thinks bandwidth caps are BS.)

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #203 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 6:51pm
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Ya...I've been catching up on my old TV shows and they cost me about 40 gigs a week and it's been slow since no shows are around because of the writers strike.


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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #204 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 8:51am
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RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) — Brazil this week imposed a ban on popular role-playing computer games "Counter-Strike" and "EverQuest," claiming they incited violence and were "harmful to consumers' health."

The federal prohibition on the sale of the games was being applied across the country, the official consumer protection agency in the central state of Goias said on its website Thursday.

Both games allow players, typically teenage boys, to connect online to fantasy worlds where they interact with other players, form groups and carry out joint missions usually involving combat.

"Counter-Strike," a first-person-view shoot-'em-upper based on the motor powering the popular "Half-Life" game, requires participants to choose a role as either a masked terrorist or an anti-terrorist officer before going forth with an ever-sophisticated array of weapons.

An adapted version in Brazil permitted players to take on the perspective of either a police officer or a narcotrafficker in Rio de Janeiro's infamously crime-ridden slums.

"EverQuest" is a swords-and-spells game in the mold of "Lord of the Rings" in which human or elvish or other imaginary characters go on joint adventures to gain treasure and increase their avatar's abilities.

Both began in 1999 and have since developed huge worldwide followings.

Some psychologists have described them as addictive as drugs. A few players have turned professional, earning money from powerful characters they sell, or from the auction of hard-to-win virtual items.

The ban was ordered in October 2007 by a Brazilian federal court, but was not immediately implemented.

The judge, Carlos Alberto Simoes, ruled that the games encouraged "the subversion of public order, were an attack against the democratic state and the law and against public security."

Woot.  I would like to welcome brazil to the year 1999! out for that y2k thing, it was a killer.
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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #205 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 9:09am
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It's funny that CounterStrike and EQ are banned, but CounterStrike: Source and EQ2 aren't.  I'm wondering why they'd ban EQ at all, but leave all of the other fantasy MMO's untouched?

(...yet another retarded law.)

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #206 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 10:49am
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How do they expect to enforce it?

Ok they don't sell it in their stores but they are notorious for being a country where rich people send electronic funds and that also means rampant amounts of piracy.


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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #207 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 11:39am
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Brazil isn't China, so they won't really enforce it.  They'll make the retailers stop carrying copies of EverCrack, but that won't stop people from downloading the client over the Interweb and buying a working account on Ebay.

Brazil has neither the economic nor technical resources to implement a massive firewall like the Chinese have.

( really just guessing.)

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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #208 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 1:26pm
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Ya both Microsoft and Google aren't helping Brazil like a certain Red country.


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Re: HOLY CRAP! News Stories
Reply #209 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 2:47pm
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Don't forget about Cisco.

(...shakes his fist in useless rage.)

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