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Hot Topic (More than 20 Replies) ....I'm so buying a PS3.... (Read 7729 times)
Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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....I'm so buying a PS3....
Sep 26th, 2006 at 12:17am
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I rest my case.

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #1 - Sep 26th, 2006 at 12:25am
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Are you spending the $300 or $700 butt reamining price?

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #2 - Sep 26th, 2006 at 7:02pm
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Holy crap, that game can have my children...

...but I'm still going to wait for the PS3 to get cheaper.

(...has bills to pay, after all.)

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #3 - Sep 26th, 2006 at 7:38pm
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holy crap that was pretty hot, and im not a big fan of those FF style games...

prolly cause ive never played one.

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #4 - Sep 26th, 2006 at 9:32pm
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Get thee hence to the electronics retailer of your choice and purchaseth the Final Fantasy game of your choosing!

(...out, out, out!)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #5 - Sep 28th, 2006 at 5:47pm
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I would love a PS3 if I didn't have a budget.  The top of the line xbox 360 could be $300 pretty soon.  At half the price of a PS3....  its a tough decision.

Also, I want to play Assassin's Creed which is a multi-platform title.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #6 - Sep 28th, 2006 at 6:01pm
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I really think Sony is shooting itself in the foot with it's high end line.  Yes, it's 20 gigs (or 40 gigs more) but I really don't understand how Sony even hopes to compete with X-3.  What they should do is sell the new one for like $150 - $200 and just completely overwhelm the X-Box.  I really don't see a threat coming from the Wii because it's got a gay controller and it makes me feel like I'm Japanese playing stupid games like "wash the window" or "poke the bubbles".  I think Nintendo needs to get a grip on reality and realize that only the Japs like that Takahashe crap games with pixle shading and cartoonish fruity games.  I really see X-Box winning this round in games...and I'm a fan of the Sony brand.

What we really need is another company that is just console and I think that'd make Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo compete that much harder and would drive the price down a bit.  Because if you look at the 360, the PS2, and the Cube...when they started selling people were buying them from $1,000 - $500 because the big three did the smart thing for themselves and produced less game consoles than there was a demand for.  Thus driving up the price.  This is a reason why I'm staying away from consoles until I land a job and have an exhorbrant amount of money.

I just hope that the console system doesn't go the way comics did.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #7 - Sep 28th, 2006 at 11:53pm
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I'm not really sure where you are coming from.  All reviews of Sony's "Low budget" system are coming out positive so far.  The dumb downed version is compareable to the "uber" version of the 360.  The high priced version completely blows the 360 out of the water.

Plus Sonys line up in Japan and America is completly superior to the Xbox 360's current lineup.

I'd put my money on the PS3 any day of the week as to who will win this match up.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #8 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 9:21am
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If they aren't careful, they'll fall into the "NeoGeo" trap.  Yeah, they'll have the neatest, l33test box on the market, but the average consumer is going to look past it because it costs so freakin' much.

I have a feeling the pricetag will drop significantly before the machine actually hits retail.

(...could be wrong.)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #9 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 9:48am
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Does the xbox 360 still use DVD's for their games?  I'm not sure if the blue-ray is needed yet for the PS3 games because the capacity of the games can't be more than 9gb(if dual layer DVDs are used).  My parents just purchased a 40 inch widescreen LCD HDTV which I would love to hook an HD console up to.

The main games I want to play are Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4(coming soon, xbox only),  Assassin's Creed(multi-platform), White Knite(PS3), FF(PS3) and that's about it so far.  The PS3 bottom end system is looking good to me.  It still supports HDMI.  Did you guys know that a quality 6 foot HDMI cable is $100? 6 FEET!!
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #10 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 12:59pm
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...or $6.  Your pick.  Were you looking at Monster brand cables or something?

(...thought White Knight was the name of an white supremacist organization?)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #11 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:21pm
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Even the baseline version of the PS3 will have blu-ray, I didn't think it would.  The only difference between the two models is the hard drive size, a USB flash memory stick, and wireless internet.  The cheaper one looks good enough to me.
those are the only real HDMI cables that newegg carries none of which are 6 dollars.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #12 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 4:56pm
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...or not.

The only difference between these two cables is $60.00.

( teh w1nnar!)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #13 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 5:26pm
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Uhhh, the $70 one is 16.4 ft where the $10 cable is only 3.3 ft.   Hence the difference of the prices, and the cheap one is a HDMI to HDMI A/V.  Theoretically, there is only a $20 difference between them because 16.4ft is 5 times as long as 3.3ft, 5*$10 is $50.  And in case you were rusty on your math 70 - 50 = 20.

(I rest my case)
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #14 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 5:57pm
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6 feet HDMI male to male = $7.99

16 feet HDMI male to male = $69.99

having 16 feet of cable = worthless

get the bloody short one and put the ps3 by the tv.

(...wonders why there is a debate on this)


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