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Hot Topic (More than 20 Replies) ....I'm so buying a PS3.... (Read 7740 times)
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #15 - Nov 20th, 2006 at 4:34pm
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So I played the Wii today, did that boxing thing, and Zelda. I gotta say, its a pretty sweet system. You actually get a good workout. The controller was suprisingly responsive, and all in all it was alot of good fun. I can see this system getting some good use at parties. You guys should try it out if you get a chance!

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #16 - Nov 20th, 2006 at 4:50pm
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Yes and if I wanted to associate with people I would go LARPing or play D&D.  If I wanted exercise I'd go out and do DDR or really box...or wash windows or pop bubbles...but no...I want to play games where I'm a soldier or a wizard or a killer.  I don't want to do these crappy games (with exception of Zelda...cause this time it's not toony adventures for 4 y/o).  But I'm sick of ranting about all these stupid systems (or expensive).  I think people should buy computers and that be that.

(Just speaking from anger)

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #17 - Nov 20th, 2006 at 5:07pm
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Mere and I plan on buying a Wii in January if they're readily available.  We're both big fans of the Zelda franchise, and it just looks like a fun, cheap system.  If there are a few decent games for it, it'll be money well spent.

(...will wait on the PS3 until they're reasonably priced.)

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #18 - Nov 20th, 2006 at 5:13pm
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Patrick I do agree with you but they are marketing it to a totally different crowd  to do things that PC's cannot. The PS3 and Xbox and all that jazz annoy me because they are all just trying to outdo each other with graphical eye candy. But I admire nintendo for trying something different, even if not everyone wants to get it. 

Im still sticking to my Pc for sure, I just hate not being able to play zelda.

Im still playing Zelda 64, hehe.

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #19 - Nov 20th, 2006 at 8:24pm
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If the price for an xbox goes down before x-mas, I will prolly buy one.  My professor said he picked up a ps3 and said it's not as good as the xbox.  Maybe its just the blue ray that makes the ps3 so x-pen-siv.

A $300 xbox deluxe or whatever the good one is called would be a decent buy.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #20 - Nov 21st, 2006 at 8:58am
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XBox is teh ghey.

(...nods sagely.)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #21 - Nov 24th, 2006 at 12:38am
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Xbox 360 isn't that bad really.  Aside from its horrendous lack of RPG style games.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #22 - Nov 24th, 2006 at 6:25pm
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My uncle has a 360, and Eric and I played gears of war, it was pretty nice looking. And by that I mean Eric used that chainsaw on my neck about a dozen times. I think I got him once with a shotgun. Ill stick to real controllers, like a mouse and keyboard.

I agree on the lack of RPG's. only stuff I have seen is sports and shooters. Maybe oblivion is on the 360, but we've all played that one.

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #23 - Nov 25th, 2006 at 12:57am
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I'm quite fond of the original Nintendo and Super Nintendo.

Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. = best. games. ever.

     ( totally humming the super mario bros music)

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #24 - Nov 25th, 2006 at 3:28pm
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Actually, I hear there will be a 3 disk RPG for the 360, I think its called Blue Dragon.

Someone told me that the grenade stab thing is pretty sweet in Gears of War.
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #25 - Nov 25th, 2006 at 4:56pm
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Blue Dragon is being produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, one of the originators of Final Fantasy.  It's looking more like Dragon Quest than Final Fantasy though, with somewhat over-the-top artwork.

(...thinks it'll be nifty, but won't buy an 360 for it.)

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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #26 - Dec 8th, 2006 at 9:27pm
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Well it looks like the Wii is beating PS3 to the tune of 2 to 1.

Wii trounces PlayStation 3 in US sales in November

Fri Dec 8, 4:51 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Wii outsold rival PlayStation 3 by more than double in the United States in November as the freshly launched video game consoles vied with
Xbox 360 for devotees, figures showed.

Nintendo sold 476,140 of its Wii consoles in the United States in November while Sony managed to sell 196,580 of its new PlayStations, according to industry tracking group NPD.

During the month, Microsoft sold 511,300 of its Xbox 360 consoles, which it brought to market a year ago. Wii and PlayStation 3 were released for sale in the United States in mid-November.

Manufacturing problems curtailed the number of PlayStation 3 systems available for the US and Japan launches and prompted Sony to postpone the consoles' Europe debut next year.

Wii consoles were snatched-up quickly after their debut in Europe on Friday as the innovative system featuring motion-responsive controllers gained status as the must-have video game.

BTW...Nintendo had to release a "how not to break your TV with our controllers" ( because it seems a lot of people are throwing their remotes at the TV.  Maybe they got mad when they learned they bought the window cleaner game with pop the bubbles double feature?



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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #27 - Dec 8th, 2006 at 11:16pm
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #28 - Dec 9th, 2006 at 10:49am
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Posted by the boys at Penny Arcade.

Probably one of the funniest things I've seen about the Wii so far Smiley
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Re: ....I'm so buying a PS3....
Reply #29 - Dec 9th, 2006 at 11:15pm
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Smash My PS3


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