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Very Hot Topic (More than 100 Replies) Science Schmience Thread (Read 435972 times)
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #240 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 3:13pm
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ya thats where i got mine,the drdino site. 4 bucks apiece, not bad, get spares in case people feel threatened by them! or are just so mad they rip em off!

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #241 - Jun 18th, 2007 at 11:18am
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80,000-year-old Beads Shed Light on Early Culture

Heather Whipps
Special to LiveScience 2 hours, 23 minutes ago

Even the very first modern humans may have spruced themselves up with beaded bling.

Twelve shell beads discovered in a cave in eastern Morocco have been dated at more than 80,000 years old, making them one of the earliest examples of human culture. The beads are colored with red ochre and show signs of being strung together.

Similar beads have been found in other parts of Africa and the Middle East, suggesting the first Homo sapiens literally carried their penchant for baubles with them as they populated the world.

"If you draw a triangle covering the three furthest known locations of Homo sapiens between 75,000–120,000 years ago, that triangle stretches from South Africa to Morocco to
Israel," said study co-author Chris Stringer of London's Natural History Museum.

"Shell beads are now known at all three points of that triangle," Stringer added. "So such behavior had probably spread right across the early human range by this time, and would have been carried by modern humans as they dispersed from Africa in the last 100,000 years."

The findings are detailed in a recent issue of the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences. Oxford University's Institute of Archaeology and Morocco's National Institute for Archaeological Sciences led the project.

The beads found in Morocco aren't the oldest in existence. That title belongs to two tiny shells discovered in Israel in the 1930s and dated at 100,000 years old. The shells are pierced with holes and were probably also hung as pendants or necklaces, archaeologists say.

Combined, the finds hint at the extent of the culture and symbolism being practiced by the earliest modern humans. Art and decoration like the beads are considered good indicators of how human behavior evolved from Africa to other parts of the globe.

"A major question in evolutionary studies today is 'how early did humans begin to think and behave in ways we would see as fundamentally modern?'," said co-author Nick Barton of Oxford University. "The appearance of ornaments such as these may be linked to a growing sense of self-awareness and identity among humans."

Some researchers have suggested that humans didn't become culturally modern until they reached Europe about 35,000 years ago. But Europe, which doesn't show evidence of similar jewelry or customs until much later, actually lagged behind in cultural development, Stringer said.

"This research shows that a long lasting and widespread bead-working tradition associated with early modern humans extended through Africa to the Middle East well before comparable evidence appears in Europe," Stringer said in a 2006 prepared statement, commenting on the just-released, very ancient dates for the Israeli beads.

"Modern human anatomy and behavior have deep roots in Africa and were widespread by 75,000 years ago, even though they may not have appeared in Europe for another 35,000 years," he said.

I love how they just tell us they dated these things at 80K years.  I would have no clue how they even attempted to date these things.  Uhh ya we found these in some rock layers and we'll just call it 80K years give or take 80K years.


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #242 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 12:34pm
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Against All Odds, Sex Has Returned
A mite reevolves sex after hundreds of millions of years without it.
by Robert Liota

Richard Dawkins said it was statistically improbable; Louis Dollo, a French paleontologist, famously developed a hypothesis stating that it could never happen. But a tiny soil mite smaller than a pinhead has reevolved the ability to mate, according to a study by evolutionary geneticists Katja Domes of the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, and Roy Norton of the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse.

After analyzing various mites’ DNA, the duo concluded that the sexually reproducing Crotoniidae mite is a descendant of Camisiidae mites, which have reproduced asexually for hundreds of millions of years since they themselves evolved from a sexually reproducing ancestor. Through a process called parthenogenesis, Camisiidae females typically lay eggs that are exact copies of themselves. Although males are born every once in a while, they are always sterile. Or so it was thought.

“Those rare males may have enabled Crotoniidae to reevolve sex,” says Domes. Usually when traits fall into disuse, their corresponding genes quickly mutate to code for something else. So when something as complex as the ability to produce sex gametes is lost, it’s likely never to be developed again. Oddly, the Camisiidae mites seem to have retained that ability, despite surviving millions of years without using it.

So what you're telling me is that they found some mites who weren't asexual and that proves evolution?  Also it seems like they've been sexual doesn't that just mean a gene that's ressive is coming up in the the genetic make up to this day?

This is a bit like entire family but my 10th great grandfather had brown eyes and he had blue...and now I have blue eyes.

Yep...evolution!  It's where you get things like feet and lungs because fish use to have them way back in the day.



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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #243 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 12:51pm
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After analyzing various mites’ DNA, the duo concluded that the sexually reproducing Crotoniidae mite is a descendant of Camisiidae mites, which have reproduced asexually for hundreds of millions of years

So. They look at this new mite. they see them doing something they hadn't really saw before and assume that a new trait has formed?

Oddly, the Camisiidae mites seem to have retained that ability, despite surviving millions of years without using it.

Who said they didn't use it now? Where you there?


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #244 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 1:47pm
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Sometimes it feels like arguing with a brick wall.  They just don't get it...

(...or they simply don't want to get it.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #245 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 11:56am
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This is a real horse/zebra



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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #246 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 2:14pm
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I am a BANANA!
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #247 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 2:53pm
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I am the walrus...oh

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #248 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 2:59pm
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koo koo kachoo?
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #249 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 4:52pm
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Peanut butter jelly time!  Peanut butter jelly time!  Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat!


(...should find that video again.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #250 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 4:48pm
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Virgin Komodo dragon gives birth

Mother never even exposed to males; breakthrough raises scientists’ hopes

The Associated Press

Updated: 9:48 a.m. CT Jan 25, 2007

CHESTER, England - Scientists unveiled five squirmy black and yellow Komodo dragons Wednesday that were the product of a virgin birth, predicting that the hatchlings offered hope for breeding the endangered species.

Flora, the Komodo dragon, has produced five hatchlings although a male has never been close to her, the proud staff at the Chester Zoo said.

“Flora is oblivious to the excitement she has caused, but we are delighted to say she is now a mum and dad,” said a delighted Kevin Buley, the zoo’s curator of lower vertebrates and invertebrates.

The shells began cracking last week, after an eight-month gestation period, which culminated with arrival on Tuesday of the fifth dragon. Two more eggs remained to be hatched.

“The implications for conservation breeding programs are enormous because this opens up a new way that animals can potentially colonize an island,” Buley said. “A female could swim to a new island, lay a clutch of eggs, then mate with sons and be sexually producing normally within a generation.”

The dragons range from 16 inches to nearly 18 inches long (40 to 45 centimeters) and weigh between 3˝ and 4˝ ounces (100 to 125 grams), Buley said.

Eating crickets and locusts
The hatchlings were in good health and feeding on a diet of crickets and locusts.

When fully grown to 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighing about 300 pounds (135 kilograms), they’ll be capable of eating a whole pig or deer at one sitting, hooves and all.

That ravenous appetite explains why Flora isn’t allowed anywhere near her offspring.

“No maternal instincts exist in Komodos so it is perfectly natural to keep them as far apart as possible,” Buley said. “She would try to eat anything that comes in front of her.”

About 70 reptile species including snakes and lizards are known to reproduce asexually in a process known as parthenogenesis. But Flora’s virginal conception, and that of another Komodo dragon in April at the London Zoo, are the first documented in Komodo dragons.

The two virgin conceptions were announced in September in a scientific paper in the journal Nature.

Endangered lizards
Komodos are native to the arid volcanic Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia, and are named for the island where they were discovered in 1910.

The giant lizards are considered endangered, with fewer than 4,000 surviving in the wild and facing encroachment from humans.


"Life will find a way."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm

(...asexual reptiles, zounds!)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #251 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 6:04pm
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Look they're evolving.....back into asexual creatures.  Dang looks like evolution is proven to be wrong again!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #252 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 10:47pm
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Proof of evolution?

Samoa butterflies quickly evolve and avoid extinction

By Julie Steenhuysen Thu Jul 12, 2:23 PM ET

CHICAGO (Reuters) - When faced with extinction, butterflies on two South Pacific islands quickly developed genetic defences that helped them fight back, a team of international researchers said on Tuesday.

Yep this sure does prove that we evolved from non-living material 60 million years ago.  Let's read on shall we, so I can finally but this Bible down.

They said the butterflies' tale is the fastest example of natural selection observed to date and shows evolution can happen quickly when the stakes are high.

In 2001, male Hypolimnas bolina butterflies on the Samoan islands of Savaii and Upolu were extremely rare. Just 1 percent of these butterflies -- known commonly as Blue Moon or Great Eggfly -- were male. They were under attack by the Wolbachia bacteria, a parasite passed down through the female that kills off male butterflies before they can hatch.

Last year, the numbers of males had either reached or were approaching those of females. They were helped by the development of a genetic mutation that suppresses the bacteria, sparing the males and allowing them to quickly repopulate.

Amazing the loss of information in the genetic code helped them to defeat the bacteria.  It'd be like cutting off your legs to stop from getting athlete's foot.  Yes you don't have to worry about it but you've got no legs (please no Black Knight jokes). 

"This is one of the most clear and fastest cases of evolution under natural selection," said Sylvain Charlat of University College London, whose study appears in the journal Science.

Actually wouldn't natural selection say, "Ya know you're not well suited for your environment...I'm going to kill you all off now."  Not to do these scientists know about all of these butterflies?  Do they know each by name and where they all go constantly?

To test whether the male butterflies' resurgence was due to genetic changes in the butterflies or changes in the parasite, he and colleagues bred infected female butterflies with butterflies from a different island that did not have the genetic mutation.

The butterfly offspring of this pairing were then bred with butterflies from a non-infected island to dilute the gene that suppressed the parasite.

"After we did that for three generations, we came back to complete male killing," Charlat said in a telephone interview.

"That demonstrated that the observed pattern was due to suppression and not due to another phenomenon," he said.

Ok I think he just pulled the "Pick your card" scam on me!  His crew took a whole lot of presuppositions in their experimentations.

The researchers are not sure whether the gene that suppressed the parasite emerged by chance from a mutation in the local population or whether it was introduced by migratory Southeast Asian butterflies in which the mutation existed.

LOL!!!  ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! READ THE ABOVE AGAIN.  So it could be the males "evolved" or whether a new bread came in that were already predisposed to resistance.  Isn't that kind of...important?!  You have male butterfly A and male butterfly B.  A is dying out and the females are killing them (kinda like real life).  B comes in and is resistant to the female's evil diseases.  That isn't bloody evolution...that's bloody females moving from the skinny, white geek to the muscular, tan guy who kicks sand in the geeks eyes!

What is clear, they said, is the repopulation of male butterflies illustrates rapid natural selection, a process in which traits that help a species survive become more prominent in a population.

Not if another species comes in and takes over populating the other species!

Natural selection typically moves very slowly, sometimes over hundreds of years, they said, but when under severe attack, this process was accelerated.

"It is the speed of the process that demonstrates the intensity of the selection," Charlat said.

"The take-home message is that evolution can be really, really fast."

Darn!  *Picks the Bible back up*...looks like God still loves me.


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #253 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 12:49pm
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Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or Personal Message. YaBBC code may be be used in your signature.  Duh!
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #254 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 1:10pm
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doing something differently because it requires less energy?  yeah sounds like me.
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