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Very Hot Topic (More than 100 Replies) Science Schmience Thread (Read 435901 times)
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #15 - Apr 5th, 2006 at 4:26pm
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Scientists have long known that fish evolved into the first creatures on land with four legs and backbones more than 365 million years ago, but they've had precious little fossil evidence to document how it happened.

The new find of several specimens looks more like a land-dweller than the few other fossil fish known from the transitional period, and researchers speculate that it may have taken brief excursions out of the water.

"It sort of blurs the distinction between fish and land-living animals," said one of its discoverers, paleontologist Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago.

Thank you so very much for that information. Im glad it sort of blurs the distinction between fish and animals. Only tens of millions more nucleotides to go, and we got the transition!!!!!

I'm so glad that the scientists have long known that fish evolved into animals when there still IS NO SHRED OF PROOF!!!

Thanks guys, and please... blow it out your pooper.

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #16 - Apr 5th, 2006 at 9:19pm
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On Druge this article was prefaced with this statement -
"Discovered: missing link that solves a mystery of evolution..."
"Fossil Fish Sheds Light on Transition..."

These are what we call...lies.


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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #17 - Apr 5th, 2006 at 10:28pm
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is there any truth in this article?  Huh
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #18 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 12:55pm
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For many years now, human-caused climate change has been viewed as a large and urgent problem. In truth, however, the biggest part of the problem is neither environmental nor scientific, but a self-created political fiasco. Consider the simple fact, drawn from the official temperature records of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, that for the years 1998-2005 global average temperature did not increase (there was actually a slight decrease, though not at a rate that differs significantly from zero).

Hehe I'm glad someone said it.

The same scientists that believe that human beings can cause global warming, also believe that we all started from ooze on a rock...

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #19 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 10:14pm
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why is it categorized as global warming caused by humans, when the last ice age melted off there was obviously global warming....  Could global warming be natural? nawwwww.

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #20 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 7:54am
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Global warming (and cancer) are caused by Wes's unmitigated flatulence.

(...knows these things.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #21 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 8:55am
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I just finished playing a session of Oblivion, and now I want some smack...

This crackhead scientist is claiming that violent video games are linked to increases in "risky behavior."  Word to your mother: correlation doesn't necessarily equate to causation.

This story is tied to "young men" having "just played a violent video game."  They should have also tested young men having just finished other activities that increase adrenaline levels, because I'd bet "raised adrenaline levels increase risk-taking behavior" is the real non-story here.

( up.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #22 - Apr 11th, 2006 at 11:21am
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Here we go again!

"New findings are revealing how individual galaxies in galaxy clusters evolve over time, changing from chemically simple to complex and from spirals to smooth disks."

Yes because we all know that simple things always can become complex.  I mean look at ameba look how quickly they keep sprouting eyes and bodies with arms and legs!  Or how humans keep growing working 3rd and 4th arms because we do need more arms.  And I'm always jealous of those people who transcend to pure energy, they never have to shower!

"When the researchers actually looked, however, they found that galaxies located in far away clusters--seen as they existed in previous epochs--showed large variations in the abundance of elements such as oxygen and magnesium, while the chemistry of galaxies in close, young clusters were much less varied."

Hmm could this be because the universe is breaking down, ie the second law of thermodynamics?  Could gravity in the inlaying of a galaxy have other bodies more readily affect them with gravitational pull rather than those who are surounded by huge stars pulling at them from multiple directions? Hmmm.  Well obviously not because I'm just a stupid criminal justice major I don't have Ph. D. after my name.  They're smart and I'm dumb.

"This difference in chemistry proves that the clusters must actively change over time,"

Kind of like how I grow older and loose some of myself (hair, eyesight, etc.)  Wow,'ve just proved that our universe is getting older.  So is aging now considered evolution?

"For reasons still unclear, many galaxies have a spiral shape when they initially form. Yet over the past several billion years, many galaxies in clusters have changed from spiral to a smooth, or "lenticular," disk shape."

Again, we've seen this...right?  I mean we've been alive for that long and studying it for that long, or we have some actuall proof like a starting line drawn by not not God that says...this galaxy started like this!

Also this artcile talks about chemical evolution.  This never occurs.  While evolution theory supposes Hydrogen and some Helium were created in the Big Bang how did the other 105 or so elements evolve?  Isn't this called alchemy?  Can't we change Pb to Au, that's led into gold.  Don't we call that a psuedoscience...right up there with intelligent design?

Gonna steal bob's pic cause I like it.


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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #23 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 10:50am
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"So is aging now considered evolution? "

Aging is an interesting word and we must understand the meaning as it is used.  The theory of relativity shows that something moving at a high rate of speed will see less time than something moving at a slow rate or not moving at all.

I have a theory that I would like to share with you....
Consider, the earth rotates at just over 1,000 miles per hour and the earth orbits the sun at about 66.5 thousand miles per hour.  Many times people ask the question, "what would happen if the earth suddenly stopped".  Well, I propose that everything would die of old age in a very very short time.  But notice that I just used the word "time" which is calculated by the Earth's orbit and rotation.  So if the earth stopped rotating and orbiting, would time stop or stand still?

(...just broke is brane)  Shocked
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #24 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 10:51am
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Or would we simply fly off the planet because gravity would cease to exist?


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #25 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 12:18pm
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Of course you're assuming time is a contruct of mankind and therefore subject and therefore not real.  When applying the theory of relativity one must take into affect that not only is time real (in the sense that it permiates throughout the universe) but that it is also related deeply with the three dementional space.  This has been proven to be true on many occations leading credit to the theory.  However if you study quantum physics, it and Einsteinium physics cannot co-exist one is either right or wrong, or they are both wrong (I wouldn't want to set up a straw man arguement like evolutionists do).

As for the earth hypothesis this is an interesting one.  You see, we have no clue what gravity is.  Is it a wave?  Is it a particle?  Is it a wavicle?  Or, as one theory suggest is it just a effect of centrifical force that the earth and everything else creates.  So as the Earth spins we are all kept on the earth by centrifical force rather than gravitational force as we know it now.  If the earth was to stop suddenly, yes we would all fling out into outer space.  The earth is slowing down, that's why we have to add time to our calendars from time to time (Leap days and whatnot).  So if we are slowing down that means the earth must have been going faster in the furute.  i say that this proves the earth isn't 6 billion years old because the rate at which the earth is slowing down is basically constant and the rate at which it was originally spinning could only reach a certain speed till you couldn't have life "evolve" or survive.  Having a young earth model accounts for this and many more problems with the old earth theory.

(Love these discussions)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #26 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 3:14pm
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Dude, you need to find Dr. Hovind's picture of all the dinosaurs being flung off the planet.

Is he coming back to the area this summer?  I'm too lazy to look at the calendar on his website.  Besides, we all know how accurate that thing is...

(...would like to see him again one of these days.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #27 - Apr 12th, 2006 at 3:29pm
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Okay here we go again!

"An international team of scientists have discovered 4.1 million year old fossils in eastern Ethiopia that fill a missing gap in human evolution."

Now lets look at this amazing specimen.

Wow amazing...we can know that this is a missing link even though we don't have a complete skelton.  Oh and it was found in Ethipia?  So that means black people are more primative than us white people!  Of course, Africa, is always viewed this way.

"The remains of the hominid that had a small brain, big teeth and walked on two legs, fits into the one million-year gap between the earlier Ardipithecus and Australopithecus afarensis which includes the famous fossil skeleton known as Lucy, which lived between 3.6 and 3.3 million years ago and was found in 1974."

I could go on and on about how "Lucy" is just a tree monkey...but I won't...I have real work to do.  I predict that all this skeleton is, is just a tree monkey.

"Along with the hominid fossils, the scientists discovered hundreds of remains of pigs, birds, rodents and monkeys as well as hyenas and big cats which gave them an idea of the habitat in which they existed."

Did you know that monkey brains are a delecasy in Ethiopia?  So are pigs, bird, rodents, etc.  Wow, how about early humans ate these "advanced monkies" and all these other animals.  That's why these fossils were found by the food pit.  Why would early man die right on top of the food pit?

Again I can't stress what implications this means.  Evolutionists claim that early life formed in Africa (this is not true).  However since the indigenous people here are indigenous then they are more closely related to the monkies than we, white people are.  Therefore I am corrupting the bloodline by wanting to marry my black girlfriend, since she is more closely related to these early "people".  Don't you see people, evolution is a racist "scientific" theory.  Adolph Hitler used it as a excuse for his concentration camps, Stalin believed in it too and killed more people and Jews than Hitler did, Moa did also, and so did Pol Pot who killed his own black country men in mass genocide!  Also I want to know what the chances of not one specimen but two acutally evolving in the same place at the same time in order to pass along these new traits?  And if they just reproduced with the lesser lifeforms then they would corrupt these newly evolved traits.  But that's nothing to worry about, I mean we've found monkey bones here....err...early human bones!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #28 - Apr 13th, 2006 at 1:37pm
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Alright, who forgot to flush?

Geologists Find 500-Million-Year-Old Feces
Thursday, April 13, 2006

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — Swedish geologists have found fossilized feces from a worm that lived some 500 million years ago, media reports said Wednesday.

The tiny piles of feces were found embedded in rock-face near Malmo in southern Sweden by geologists Mats Eriksson and Fredrik Terfelt, the newspaper Sydsvenskan reported.

Eriksson told the newspaper they examined the level of phosphorus of the samples and that "we realized pretty soon that it could not be anything other than coprolites — in other words, fossilized dung."

Terfelt described the find as "unique."

"Cambrian scientists will certainly find them very interesting," Terfelt said.

The two are researching geology at Lund University in southern Sweden, and said they are working on an article about the find that will be published in an international magazine shortly.

"It is inevitable to joke about this, so we gave it the title 'Anomalous faces and ancient feces,'" Eriksson said.

(...could insert so many corny lines here.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #29 - Apr 17th, 2006 at 8:19am
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Gospel of Judas gives alternate view
The National Geographic Society releases a modern translation of the ancient text.
Washington Post

WASHINGTON - The National Geographic Society on Thursday released the first modern translation of the ancient Gospel of Judas, which depicts the most reviled villain in Christian history as a devoted follower who was simply doing Jesus' bidding when he betrayed him.

The text's existence has been known since it was denounced as heresy by the bishop of Lyon in A.D. 180, but its contents had remained an almost total mystery. Unlike the four gospels of the New Testament, it describes conversations between Jesus and Judas Iscariot during the week before Passover in which Jesus tells Judas "secrets no other person has ever seen."

The other apostles pray to a lesser God, Jesus says, and reveals to Judas the "mysteries of the kingdom" of the true God. He asks Judas to help him return to the kingdom, but to do so, Judas must help him abandon his mortal flesh: "You will sacrifice the man that clothes me," Jesus tells Judas, and acknowledges that Judas "will be cursed by the other generations."

Scholars said the 26-page document was written on 13 sheets of papyrus leaf in ancient Egyptian, or Coptic, and was bound as a book, known as a codex. It is one of dozens of sacred texts from the Christian Gnostics, who believed that salvation came through secret knowledge conveyed by Jesus.

National Geographic, which funded much of the research, said it authenticated the codex through radiocarbon dating, ink analysis and study of the script. And despite a murky history, no scholar has suggested the document is a forgery.

As an authentic ancient Gnostic text, the Gospel of Judas is certain to spark a surge of interest by both theologians and the faithful, but scholars said it is unclear whether it also will prompt a re-evaluation of the traitor denounced by Matthew for betraying Jesus for "30 pieces of silver."

I could rant and rave for hours about how useless this "big find" is, but I think I'd be preaching to the choir.

We have thousands of copies of first-era scrolls, manuscripts, and codices for Biblical texts, but somebody finds one codex for this so-called "Book of Judas" and it's suddenly a gospel?  Riiiiiight.

( glad he doesn't attend the Holy Church of National Geographicness.)

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