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Very Hot Topic (More than 100 Replies) Science Schmience Thread (Read 435877 times)
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #120 - Nov 27th, 2006 at 2:25pm
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Watch the double speak in this article:

Galactic Baby Boom Influenced Life on Earth

Sara Goudarzi
Staff Writer Mon Nov 27, 9:00 AM ET


The stellar baby boom period of the Milky Way sparked a flowering and crashing of life here on Earth, a new study suggests.   

Some 2.4 billion years ago when the Milky Way started upping its star production, cosmic rays--high-speed atomic particles--started pouring onto our planet, causing instability within the living. Populations of bacteria and algae repeatedly soared and crashed in the oceans.

The researchers counted the amount of carbon-13 within sedimentary rocks, the most common rocks exposed on the Earth's surface. When algae and bacteria were growing in the oceans, they took in carbon-12, so the ocean had an abundance of carbon-13.

Many sea creatures use carbon-13 to make their shells. If there is a lot of carbon-13 stored in rocks, it means life, the origin of which is still unknown, was booming.  Therefore, variations in carbon-13 are a good indicator of the productivity of life on Earth.

The researchers found that the biggest fluctuation in productivity coincided with star formation, which had an affect on Earth's climate and therefore on the productivity of life on our planet.

According to one theory, when a star explodes far away in the Milky Way, cosmic rays penetrate through the Earth's atmosphere and produce ions and free electrons. The released electrons act as catalysts and accelerate the formation of small clusters of sulfuric acid and water molecules, the building blocks of clouds. Therefore, cosmic rays increase cloud cover on Earth, reflecting sunlight and keeping the planet relatively cool.

Although cold and icy times are generally considered unfriendly to life, the data reveals that biological productivity kept oscillating between very high and very low. The reason, the researchers suggest, is that stronger winds during icy epochs stirred the oceans and improved the supply of nutrients in the surface waters.

"The odds are 10,000-to-1 against this unexpected link between cosmic rays and the variable state of the biosphere being just a coincidence, and it offers a new perspective on the connection between the evolution of the Milky Way and the entire history of life over the last 4 billion years," said study author Henrik Svensmark of the Danish National Space Center.

The study was detailed in a recent issue of the journal Astronomische Nachrichten.

This article which list the same thing as being a "study" as well at the same time being a "theory" also reminds me of a picture bob posted recently.  It was the number of pirates in the world can be traced to the rise in temperature.  The more pirates there were the less global warming we had.  Same thing in this article, you have "stars forming" how they know this is anyone's guess; and at the same time you have a boom in bacteria.  Therefore the stars caused bacteria.  Makes sense to me!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #121 - Nov 28th, 2006 at 8:21am
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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #122 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 2:09am
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Family Walks on All Fours, May Offer Evolution Insight, Experts Say
James Owen in London
for National Geographic News
March 8, 2006

Five adult siblings who can walk only on all fours have been found in Turkey, researchers say. These human quadrupeds may provide clues to how humans evolved to stand on two feet.

The three sisters and two brothers may offer insight into the way our apelike ancestors moved, according to scientists. Human ancestors are believed to have begun walking on two legs more than three million years ago.

Photo: Kurdish family in Turkey walking on all fours

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    * Photo in the News: Earliest Known Human Ancestor
    * Did Climate Change Trigger Human Evolution?
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(See "Fossil Pushes Upright Walking Back 2 Million Years, Study Says.")

Discovered in a remote area of southern Turkey last summer, the family of ethnic Kurds has sparked a scientific debate, which will be covered in a BBC television documentary that is set to air on March 17 in the United Kingdom. The family's exact location and last name have not been disclosed.

Born with a genetic brain abnormality, two of the sisters and one of the brothers are thought to have only walked on all fours their entire lives. The two other siblings can walk upright for short distances.

The siblings' parents are closely related and have had 19 children in all.

This bizarre case is not a hoax, according to experts who have studied the family.

The cause of the four-limbed locomotion, however, is a bone of contention among the researchers.

Uner Tan is a neurophysiologist—a doctor specializing in the functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves—at Cukurova University in Adana, Turkey.

He believes the siblings, who range in age from 18 to 34, are evolutionary throwbacks—a "missing link" to our forebears. (Related reading: "Was Darwin Wrong?")

Meanwhile German geneticists believe the siblings' genetic abnormality may have knocked out the gene responsible for bipedalism, or two-legged walking, in humans.

The German team, led by Stefan Mundlos of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, says it has located this gene on a human chromosome. (See a quick overview of human genetics.)


How many of us did this when we were little!  Oh that means we started our lives as apes and lost ya know...the hair, the bone structure, the DNA...all that!  Come can't seriously expect real people to swallow this.  No I'm not talking about the mindless zombies with Cheeto's orange tint on their wife beaters sitting on their couch getting their remote all greasy as they skip the news about  Operation Northwoods and head directly for Passion to see if Tom is really trapped in that alternate dimension so that he'll miss his wedding and so have to marry Shaneese the troll of the Umlaps!  This is complete and utter BS!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #123 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 8:19am
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Yeah, I fail to see how a genetic mutation caused by incest is somehow proof of evolution.  I guess incest-induced retardation is also a sign of evolution, proving that evolution is retarded, eh?

(...likes his leaps of logic better.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #124 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 11:30am
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Right!  So if someone is born with an abnormality that makes them think that they are god then we should assume they are less evolved and must treat them with the same respect we would do our grandparents.  Either that or we're evolution racists!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #125 - Jan 14th, 2007 at 8:17pm
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Another Creation Museum Article...this time with 90% less mockingness!!

Dinosaurs, humans coexist in U.S. creation museum

By Andrea Hopkins 1 hour, 25 minutes ago

PETERSBURG, Kentucky (Reuters) - Ken Ham's sprawling creation museum isn't even open yet, but an expansion is already underway in the state-of-the art lobby, where grunting dinosaurs and animatronic humans coexist in a Biblical paradise.

A crush of media attention and packed preview sessions have convinced Ham that nearly half a million people a year will come to Kentucky to see his Biblically correct version of history.

"I think we'll be surprised at how many people come," Ham said as he dodged dozens of designers working to finish exhibits in time for the May 28 opening.

The $27 million project, which also includes a planetarium, a special-effects theater, nature trails and a small lake, is privately funded by people who believe the Bible's first book, Genesis, is literally true.

For them, a museum showing Christian schoolchildren and skeptics alike how the earth, animals, dinosaurs and humans were created in a six-day period about 6,000 years ago -- not over millions of years, as evolutionary science says -- is long overdue.

While foreign media and science critics have mostly come to snigger at exhibits explaining how baby dinosaurs fit on Noah's Ark and Cain married his sister to people the earth, museum spokesman and vice-president Mark Looy said the coverage has done nothing but drum up more interest.

"Mocking publicity is free publicity," Looy said. Besides, U.S. media have been more respectful, mindful perhaps of a 2006 Gallup Poll showing almost half of Americans believe that humans did not evolve, but were created by God in their present form within the last 10,000 years.

Looy said supporters of the museum include evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews and conservative Catholics, as well as the local Republican congressman, Geoff Davis (news, bio, voting record), and his family, who have toured the site.


While the debate between creationists and mainstream scientists has bubbled up periodically in U.S. schools since before the Scopes "monkey trial" in nearby Tennessee 80 years ago, courts have repeatedly ruled that teaching religious theory in public schools is unconstitutional.

Ham, an Australian who moved to America 20 years ago, believes creationists could have presented a better case at the Scopes trail if they'd been better educated -- but he's not among those pushing for creation to be taught in school.

Rather than force skeptical teachers to debate creation, Ham wants kids to come to his museum, where impassioned experts can make their case that apparently ancient fossils and the Grand Canyon were created just a few thousand years ago in a great flood.

"It's not hitting them over the head with a Bible, it's just teaching that we can defend what it says," he said.

Ham, who also runs a Christian broadcasting and publishing venture, said the museum's Hollywood-quality exhibits set the project apart from the many quirky Creation museums sprinkled across America.

The museum's team of Christian designers include theme park art director Patrick Marsh, who designed the "Jaws" and "King Kong" attractions at Universal Studios in Florida, as well as dozens of young artists whose conviction drives their work.

"I think it shows (nonbelievers) the other side of things," said Carolyn Manto, 27, pausing in her work painting Ice Age figures for a display about caves in France.

"I don't think it's going to be forcing any viewpoint on them, but challenging them to think critically about their evolutionary views," said Manto, who studied classical sculpture before joining the museum.

Still, Looy is upfront about the museum's mission: to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with nonbelievers.

"I think a lot of people are going to come out of curiosity ... and we're going to present the Gospel. This is going to be an evangelistic center," Looy said. A chaplain has been hired for museum-goers in need of spiritual guidance.

The museum's rural location near the border of Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana places it well within America's mostly conservative and Christian heartland. But the setting has another strategic purpose: two-thirds of Americans are within a day's drive of the site, and Cincinnati's international airport is minutes away.

The project has not been without opposition. Zoning battles with environmentalists and groups opposed to the museum's message have delayed construction and the museum's opening day has been delayed repeatedly.

The museum has hired extra security and explosives-sniffing dogs to counter anonymous threats of damage to the building. "We've had some opposition," Looy said.

Wow...a museum opens that lies to kids about the facts of evolution you never hear of Christians threating to bomb the museum do you?

(Wants to go to the Museum badly)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #126 - Jan 16th, 2007 at 12:59am
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A 40,000-year-old skull found in a Romanian cave shows traits of both modern humans and Neanderthals and might prove the two interbred, researchers reported on Monday.

If the findings are confirmed, the skull would represent the oldest modern human remains yet found in Europe.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, will add to the debate over whether modern Homo sapiens simply killed off their Neanderthal cousins, or had some intimate interactions with them first.

DNA samples taken from Neanderthal bones suggest there was no mixing, or at least that any Neanderthal genetic contribution did not make it to the modern DNA pool.

But Erik Trinkaus of Washington University in St. Louis has in the past found bones that he believes show both modern human and Neanderthal traits, and now he and colleagues have found a skull.

ugh someone field this one... X or Ironman... I know youre around here somewhere!

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #127 - Jan 16th, 2007 at 11:49am
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Sorry I've been gone for the past 24 hours because parts of TR have been without power.  Of course that included ME!  AND I'M FREEING!!!  IT'S 34 DEGREES IN MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!!

Any who...

The reason why both are found together is because both did live together however the Neanderthals have been proven time and time again to be 100% that one monkies!!!  The reason why they appear different is because they are extremely old, probably born before or shortly after the Flood.  To suggest that modern man just went and killed their own ancestors is worse that putting your grandparents on floating ice when food is low (good job Eskimos...don't have to worry about your social security funds dwindling that way!).

Also how are they our "cousins"?  I always thought evolutionists chimed that they were our ancestors?  Did we evolve from some alien characters who were lost?

Also what genetic material are they testing here?  Did we find some poor Ne. in a block of ice and the hour and a half movie shows him dealing with the affects of the old man in the new world?  Since these are some 50,000 years old...what genetic material is left?!  If there is some left I think that would add proof to the Earth, or at least its inhabitants being a whole lot younger...oops I can't say that...that's not the party line we scientists have deemed necessary...uhh uhh...if you believe that you are in the same field as flat earth people and holocaust deniers...and you're racists!  He he that did it!

SO in conclusion these findings are total bunk and scientists need to go back to testing out their most basic theories and just buck up and do the work.  But they won't because if they did...they'd find out they were wrong.


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #128 - Jan 16th, 2007 at 3:58pm
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Sorry about your power problems.  I was pretty lucky, I only lost power for about 35 minutes yesterday afternoon, and I only know that because I viewed the logs on the battery backup system connected to the server.

Luckily, the server itself (and my PC) stayed up throughout the power outage, but the lack of power killed the Internet connection.  Figures.

For what it's worth, the nasty weather has resulted in absolutely beautiful scenery.  The sun is quite bright this morning and it's sparkling off the glass-like ice on the trees, creating some breathtaking sites.

(...drove around a bit this morning just to check it out.)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #129 - Jan 16th, 2007 at 5:27pm
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Boy unearths important horse fossils

Gavin Sutter and his fossil find.

Gavin at work on the dig.
A startling discovery by a young Californian boy has helped fill a key gap in the evolution of the horse.

Gavin Sutter, aged eight, from Auburn, found the prehistoric bones of a horse dating back 15 million years.

Crucially, the remains he found were of a three-toed horse.

Horses are known to have evolved from small five-toed animals into the horses we know today, which have only one toe, and the tiny boney remnants of two others.

Gavin's find fills a crucial gap in the evolutionary path of the horse, as it evolved from a five-toed to effectively a single-toed animal.

The bones have been prepared for display to take pride of place at the Sierra College Natural History Museum, where they will remain a permanent fixture.

Gavin, a keen rock collector, has declared his find "very cool".

Dick Hilton, who is with the museum, was on the expedition which led to the discovery, in July 2006. The expedition had aimed to find middle Miocene 15-million-year-old plant and animal fossils in northern Nevada.

Hilton was joined by scientists George Bromm and Brian Hausback, film-maker Paul Goldsmith, and Gavin's father, Keith Sutter, who is a photographer.

Sutter's wife and their two boys also joined the trip.

The scientists were working under a United States government Bureau of Land Management permit to survey the area for vertebrate fossils.

The expedition took them to remote and wild places near the Black Rock Desert, where they saw lots of wildlife, including coyotes, mustangs, prong-horned antelope, deer, rabbits and big-horned sheep.

Gavin, then seven, found the bones and teeth of the small three-toed horse.

His mother, Cara, found an antler of an early deer-like animal.

The bones that Gavin found.

The team works on the dig.

"The group also found bones from chalicotheres, an animal related to the horse, but which looked more like a combination of horse and giant ground sloth," says Hilton. "It had big grasping claws on the front limbs."

Other bones found belonged to early rhinos, turtles, beavers, canaids (the dog family) and badgers. They also found fossil oak leaves and the winged seed of a maple tree.

"Fifteen million years ago, when these animals roamed Nevada, the Sierra Nevada and many of the mountains along the west coast of North America had not risen to their current elevation," Hilton explains.

"Rains that are now blocked by these mountains found their way to Nevada. Nevada was as lush as California is today but it had wildlife that looked more like the plains of Africa.

"Along with all of the animals already mentioned, there were lions, sabertooth cats, dog-bear, camels and primitive elephants (gomphotheres). There were even redwood forests."

Horses are known to have evolved from rabbit-sized creatures that originally had five toes on each foot. As time went on horses evolved into bigger animals that had to run faster to avoid larger, faster predators. To run faster they evolved fewer toes so that by 15 million years ago they had just three toes on each foot - one large center toe and two smaller ones along the sides.

The modern horse has just one toe on each foot, although remnants of their former toes still exist as vestigial bones that are no longer used. This is similar to the hip bones that whales have, even though they no longer have rear limbs.

A large slab of rock containing the horse bones found by Gavin was excavated and brought back to the laboratory at the Sierra College Natural History Museum.

There, George Bromm carefully prepared the specimen so that the bones and teeth still protruded from the rock, making it an excellent display specimen.

As for Gavin, he can look forward to another day in the sun - showing off possibly one of the best show-and-tell exhibits any kid has ever taken to school. The museum says Gavin will be allowed to take the fossils to school to show fellow students.

Ya cause it can't be a single existing organism.  Nooo it's got to be some deeper, darker conspiracy into evolution.


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #130 - Jan 17th, 2007 at 4:13pm
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BAWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA ....*inhale of breath*....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Fact Checking 101
How Skeptic magazine was Duped
by an Environmental Activist Group

by Michael Shermer

In last week’s eSkeptic , we published highlights from a press release issued by PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility), a Washington D.C.-based environmental watchdog group. That press release, dated December 28, 2006, was headlined:

    Orders to Cater to Creationists Makes National Park Agnostic on Geology

The first sentence of the release reads:

    Washington, DC — Grand Canyon National Park is not permitted to give an official estimate of the geologic age of its principal feature, due to pressure from Bush administration appointees.

Unfortunately, in our eagerness to find additional examples of the inappropriate intrusion of religion in American public life (as if we actually needed more), we accepted this claim by PEER without calling the National Park Service (NPS) or the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) to check it. As a testimony to the quality of our readers, however, dozens immediately phoned both NPS and GCNP, only to discover that the claim is absolutely false. Callers were told that the Grand Canyon is millions of years old, that no one is being pressured from Bush administration appointees — or by anyone else — to withhold scientific information, and all were referred to a statement by David Barna, Chief of Public Affairs, National Park Service as to the park’s official position. “Therefore, our interpretive talks, way-side exhibits, visitor center films, etc. use the following explanation for the age of the geologic features at Grand Canyon,” the document explains.

    If asked the age of the Grand Canyon, our rangers use the following answer: ‘The principal consensus among geologists is that the Colorado River basin has developed in the past 40 million years and that the Grand Canyon itself is probably less than five to six million years old. The result of all this erosion is one of the most complete geologic columns on the planet.’

Understandably, many of our readers were outraged by both the duplicity of the claim and our failure to fact check it. One park ranger wrote us:

    You’re a day late and a dollar short on this one. As a national park ranger, I found most of PEER’s findings to be bogus. So have others:

A Grand Canyon park interpreter wrote:

    This is incorrect. I have NEVER been told to present non-science based programs. In fact, I received “talking points” demanding that Grand Canyon employees present programs BASED ON SCIENCE and that we must use the scientific version supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences. As an interpreter I have shared the “creation” story of the Hopi people and the Paiute people because it is culturally relative. I used these stories as a tool to introduce the scientific story. Be confident there are good people running government, too.

One of our readers directly challenged Jeff Ruch, the Executive Director of PEER:

    When I challenged that PEER guy to show me some evidence and provided him evidence to the contrary, he didn’t have much. I would say PEER did more than jump the gun. I’d say they are spreading misinformation.

Another Grand Canyon park interpreter offered this explanation:

    Ruch’s attempts to insinuate a conspiratorial link between the NPS and organized religion are misguided and founded in fervent anti-Christian opposition, not reason or the law. Ruch’s anti-Judeo-Christian bias is evidence by his lack of opposition to GCA’s selling of Native American creation myths. His misinformation campaign aims to tarnish the reputation of the NPS to leverage his position that creationism books should not be sold in the GCA bookstore. I’ve emailed a few of my contacts at GRCA, and so far, all deny any conspiracy and all freely give the canyon’s age in education programs (as does all official GRCA print material). I’ll post updates as information becomes available. Until then, don’t believe everything you read.

The reference to the creationism book being sold in the Grand Canyon bookstore — Grand Canyon: A Different View by Tom Vail — is true. It is sold in the “inspiration” section of the bookstore, alongside other books of myth and spirituality. In any case, the story is an old one now, and completely irrelevant to the claim that NPS employees are withholding information about the age of the canyon, and/or are being pressured to do so by Bush administration appointees.

Embarrassed and angered by all of this, I promptly phoned Jeff Ruch myself and inquired what evidence he has to support this claim. He initially pointed to the creationism book and the fact that the NPS has failed to address numerous challenges to the sale of same in their bookstore. When I pointed out that this is irrelevant to the claim in the press release, he then reminded me of the biblical passages that have been posted at places along the rim of the canyon. Again, I admonished, this is not evidence for his central claim. We went round and round on the phone until I finally gave up and hung up, convinced that he simply made up the claim out of whole cloth.

Not wishing to simply call Ruch a liar, and allowing myself to calm down a bit, I emailed him and asked:

    Can you tell us who in the Bush administration put pressure on park service employees? Can you name one person in the GCNP staff who says that they are not permitted to give the official estimate of the age of the canyon?

He responded:

      1. I do not know — it is at the Director’s level or above. We have been trying to find out for three years.
      2. Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times.

I contacted Julie Cart at the Los Angeles Times, who was out of town on assignment, and got her editor, Frank Clifford, on the phone. Clifford knew all about the creationism book and the biblical passages on the rim of the canyon, but said that he had heard nothing about this new claim of Bush administration appointees silencing park service staff, and that if Julie knew of such a thing the Times would be most interested in following up with the story. I then reached Julie by email, who said that she too knew of no such silence on the part of park staffers regarding the age of the canyon.

Once again outraged and enraged , I emailed Ruch to ask him why he referenced Cart, who denied his central claim. He responded:

    I referred you to Julie because of the response she got from the superintendent’s office when she covered the issue earlier — not for any new claim.

Thanks a lot. I wasted several hours tracking down that false lead. Now at my wit’s end with this guy, I point blank asked him if he made it all up. He responded:

    The interpretive staff at GCNP we are working with do not want to be identified and have gone into deep underground as the atmosphere at the park is now somewhat volatile.

Well, it would have been nice (not to mention ethical) if he would have said so in the first place. (I have now wasted about 10 hours of research time on this instead of other projects.) The referencing of sources who wish to remain anonymous is quite common in journalism and, in fact, there are laws protecting whistleblowers . The fact that no such reference was made until I pointedly accused Ruch of flatout lying makes me, well, skeptical of this explanation. His final statement to me doesn’t make me any less skeptical:

    We are issuing an amended release today that

      1. deletes reference to what interpretive staff can and cannot say and
      2. features the NPS official statement that they provide geological information to the public.

Then why did PEER issue that statement in the first place? In my opinion, this is why:

PEER is an anti-Bush, anti-religion liberal activist watchdog group in search of demons to exorcise and dragons to slay. On one level, that’s how the system works in a free society, and there are plenty of pro-Bush, pro-religion conservative activist watchdog groups who do the same thing on the other side. Maybe in a Hegelian process of thesis-antithesis-synthesis we find truth that way; at least at the level of talk radio. But journalistic standards and scholarly ethics still hold sway at all levels of discourse that matter, and to that end I believe we were duped by an activist group who at the very least exaggerated a claim and published it in order to gain notoriety for itself, or worse, simply made it up.

To that end I apologize to all of our readers for not fact checking this story before publishing it on eSkeptic and Shame on us. But shame on you too, Mr. Ruch, and shame on PEER, for this egregious display of poor judgment and unethical behavior.
Michael Shermer
Publisher, Skeptic magazine
Executive Director, the Skeptics Society

And who was it that says Shermer and his cronnies at Skeptic Magazine should just call themselves something different than their name sake?  "Scientists" were actively looking for examples of "religion" in the public area.  Read that first paragraph and tell me that science isn't subjective!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #131 - Jan 18th, 2007 at 1:21am
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The Weather Channel’s most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. This latest call to silence skeptics follows a year (2006) in which skeptics were compared to "Holocaust Deniers" and Nuremberg-style war crimes trials were advocated by several climate alarmists.


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #132 - Jan 18th, 2007 at 3:18am
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See and I think we should take down Amanenejad just because he brought back the ability to call people Holocaust deniers now.

Also let me break down the way these "scientists" are trying to argue.

Person 1 - Global warming is real we can see it in the dramatic weather changes.
Person 2 - No it's not these are normal weather patterns that are just occurring with different influxes like it's gone up and down over the past thousands of years.

In Person 1's mind he has won the debate.  Is this what we are suppose to be teaching our schools to our children?  Is this the science we champion to take place of our religious views?  Is this the controlling factor that will shape and change our lives more than any other establishment?

Then all I'd have to say....oh!


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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #133 - Jan 18th, 2007 at 9:14am
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Science supposedly isn't religion, but this certainly sounds like the Spanish Inquisition to me.

(...nobody suspects the Spanish Inquisition!)

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Re: Science Schmience Thread
Reply #134 - Jan 20th, 2007 at 9:38am
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Now c (pun intended if you read the story) this is real science right here.

Sound at Mach c!!!!

No dogmatic statements.  No quoting of other scientists to support your theory.  No imaging necessary.  No X number of years to see proof.  And no falsifying of data to try to prove a dumb theory.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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