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Re: Iran.
Reply #60 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 12:09am
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I'll tell you what it means Brinedizzle...It means:



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Re: Iran.
Reply #61 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 12:38am
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ROFL  Smiley

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Re: Iran.
Reply #62 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 1:50pm
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TEHRAN, Iran - Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said
Iran does "not need" talks with the United States over its nuclear program because nothing would be gained, state television reported Tuesday.

Khamenei, who has the final word on all state matters, did not give his position on a package of incentives offered by the West to persuade Iran to impose a long-term moratorium on the enrichment of uranium.

But he took a tough line on the final goal of the package: resuming negotiations that the United States hopes will persuade Iran to completely give up enrichment, a process that can produce fuel for nuclear generators or the material for nuclear warheads.

"Negotiations with the United States would have no benefit for us, and we do not need them," state television quoted Khamenei as telling Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade.

Well there ya go. That basically sounded like an answer to me. Hes totally right too, the US wouldn't back down on anything. Lets not forget here that Iran is legally allowed to do research for peaceful purposes. They are a signer of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

Here is what the Treaty says:

Affirming the principle that the benefits of peaceful applications of nuclear technology, including any technological by-products which may be derived by nuclear-weapon States from the development of nuclear explosive devices, should be available for peaceful purposes to all Parties to the Treaty, whether nuclear-weapon or non-nuclear-weapon States,

Convinced that, in furtherance of this principle, all Parties to the Treaty are entitled to participate in the fullest possible exchange of scientific information for, and to contribute alone or in co-operation with other States to, the further development of the applications of atomic energy for peaceful purposes,

Declaring their intention to achieve at the earliest possible date the cessation of the nuclear arms race and to undertake effective measures in the direction of nuclear disarmament,

Iran has always said that they are developing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. The United States and allies are getting all worked up on the possibility that they will develop a weapon. India and Pakistan did so illegally, but we didn't care. Iran is enriching uranium to 3.5% which is just enough for a nuclear power plant.  To build a bomb, you need a 90% enrichment rate. Yea thats just not within their grasp at the moment. So good going, United States, have fun bombing another country for no reason. Oh wait, oil.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #63 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 2:05pm
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Can someone explain what the oil thing is about?  Are we just taking it while we are over there? to sell?  Why don't we just buy it, if that is why we are over there. thanks
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Re: Iran.
Reply #64 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 2:10pm
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Eric, please don't ask the government any tough questions.  Bush tends to get flustered when that happens, and he tends to blow up people that fluster him.

(...would hate for something "unfortunate" to occur.)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #65 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 3:10pm
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Well those in power have a whole bunch of agendas regarding oil. And it is in our best interest, but theirs as well.

1.) oil is good, cause its refined into gas for our cars and other uses. The US has alot of refineries and the ability to convert oil into gas, but we dont have enough oil in our territory to supply ourselves with enough gas. So we need to pull it in from outside sources: the middle east. So theres a little supply and demand goin on.

2.) At the end of the last decade, people started theorizing that at some point oil would reach a point where the amount we can produce a day on earth will not meet the amount we consume in a day, creating a huge imbalance and surge in pricing. They called this Peak Oil, and the government buys into this theory. They wrote a document called the Plan for a New American Century, which mainly outlines how to make the US a 21st century military power. But it also outlines the need to secure oil for the US's growing oil consumption. And the only way to justify securing oil reserves in the Middle East would be if the US was hit by a "new Pearl Harbor." 9/11 happens and now we have taken over Afghanistan, Iraq, and are planning on Iran.

3.) The reason oil is such a big deal is these guys want to profit. Everyone is just making so much  freakin money off of oil, because our infrastructure depends on it! Planes, the semi trucks that ship all our goods, our own cars all need this oil. So those that supply it are constantly making money. It is said that there is still 100 trillion dollars of oil left in the earth, and those guys want to  make every penny of that.  And even more! Gas prices are just insane. Exxons profits for last year were almost $40 billion. That is unheard of, most companies dont have that kind of revenue, let alone pure profit.

So anyway when we invaded Iraq, the first thing we did was secure their oil fields. Then we allowed all of our oil companies to go in there, and manage the fields in the interest of the Iraqi people... of course they got a piece of the sales for their troubles. And now the US has guaranteed oil from there, in the event of a shortage.

Also, and I think Patrick can field this one... Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC has alot of control over the world because they control the flow of oil. So, obviously thats no good for the US, so we have basically been taking down some big exporters of oil and securing them in the name of freedom for the US. the biggest exporter is Saudia Arabia, but hey, they are our allies... so we have some leverage to keep them selling to us at a good price.

Iran is not an ally and they are the 4th biggest exporter. By taking down their government and putting a US friendly one in place... the US will now have secured oil from places that werent to friendly to us.

Yea i dunno, i sorta rambled here, Patrick fill in some other stuff or correct me if im wrong.

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Re: Iran.
Reply #66 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 7:12pm
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I have to add just a few things.

PNAC's plan was not to combat Peak Oil but to create the panic.  Look at it this way.  What's the most basic economic system we know?  Supply and demand.  As supply goes up demand goes down.  Here as supply goes down supply goes up.  So these American oil companies are now controlling what used to be government (eg independent) oil places.  So in order for them to make more money they don't want to increase oil production...but turn off the spigot!  This is what's going on in Iraq right now.  Before, the Iraqis had their oil cheap (for lamps, cars, etc.) but now the oil corps "convinced" them that in the interest of the great regime of CAPITALISM *BA DUP BA DUUU* that it would be "in their best interests" not to subidize their oil for their own countrymen.  Now even more Iraqis are without power and oil.  Where is their oil that they would be using?  Still in the ground.  Because we've scared them with peak oil.  Not to mention they have the line "Well you can do what you want.....but we did kinda save you from a mad man....ha ha no not Bush!! Saddam!"

This plan has been talked about for over 100 years and it wasn't until now that it was put into action.  The plan calls for (and I can't remember the proper name for it) where we want to wrest control of the oil from the Middle East countries.  PNAC was a great jump start.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #67 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 12:46am
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The name I couldn't remember is bulkanization.

It is when you fragment or divide a region into smaller regions that are often hostile or non-cooperative with each other.

War is profitable.  Just ask Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, and all the other members of the military industrial complex.

(Did that answer your question though?)

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Iran.
Reply #68 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 10:42am
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Yeah, I guess oil would be the best moneymaker/powerholder with its raising demand and (percieved?) shortening supply across the globe.

(...just realized we're a cynical bucnh hehe)
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