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Dec 14th, 2005 at 12:08pm
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Since we will be going to war with Iran soon, I thought I would just get a thread going so we can discuss.

These statements have enraged the West. Iran's president said that the Holocaust never happened.

These are statements made by Israel regarding Iran's nuclear program

Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

Defence sources in Israel believe the end of March to be the “point of no return” after which Iran will have the technical expertise to enrich uranium in sufficient quantities to build a nuclear warhead in two to four years.

“Israel — and not only Israel — cannot accept a nuclear Iran,” Sharon warned recently. “We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.”,,2089-1920074,00.html

This is Russia's president calling Russia defender of the Muslim world.

Anyone see a pattern happening yet?

Iran's new president is insane, and pissing off the world. Isreal is going to strike them like they did in Iraq... and Russia says they are defenders of the Islamic world, while the United States will back Israel always.

Keep in mind that all of Iran's weapons and nuclear material comes from the Russian Federation. They would not like their investment destroyed.


(...looks out for WWIII)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #1 - Dec 14th, 2005 at 12:36pm
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Funny and I thought Russia attacked Afganistan a while back...btw...Afganistan = Muslim country.

"Protectors of the Muslim world"  must be like "Homeland Security...protecting Americans from themselves"


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Re: Iran.
Reply #2 - Dec 14th, 2005 at 12:39pm
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This sounds like justification to buy more guns.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #3 - Jan 13th, 2006 at 4:47am
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Language is getting harsher! I love watching how the "big dogs" spar back and forth with their regulations.

Looks like the EU will be more or less behind any action that the UN Security Council recommends. Won't be long before Isreal and the US are talking about strike plans. Even though Isreal has finalized theirs.

Another scary thought is the new U.S. nuclear policy that was drafted after 9/11 and presented to Congress. Here is a couple points from the current version.

Pre-emptive nuclear strikes against non-nuclear adversaries, for purposes which include the following:
(Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, Page III-2):
* For rapid and favorable war termination on US terms.
* To ensure success of US and multinational operations.
* To demonstrate US intent and capability to use nuclear weapons to deter adversary use of WMD.
* Against an adversary intending to use WMD against US, multinational, or alliance forces.
The Nuclear Posture Review document states that:
*US nuclear forces will now be used to dissuade adversaries from undertaking military programs or operations that could threaten U.S. interests or those of allies and friends.
* Nuclear weapons could be employed against targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack.

So yea. Not a fun thought. I know that its political suicide to even think of using nukes, but I just thought that I would point out the options available.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #4 - Jan 14th, 2006 at 6:18pm
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The most remarkable aspect of Mr Ahmadinejad's piety is his devotion to the Hidden Imam, the Messiah-like figure of Shia Islam, and the president's belief that his government must prepare the country for his return.

One of the first acts of Mr Ahmadinejad's government was to donate about £10 million to the Jamkaran mosque, a popular pilgrimage site where the pious come to drop messages to the Hidden Imam into a holy well.

All streams of Islam believe in a divine saviour, known as the Mahdi, who will appear at the End of Days. A common rumour - denied by the government but widely believed - is that Mr Ahmadinejad and his cabinet have signed a "contract" pledging themselves to work for the return of the Mahdi and sent it to Jamkaran.

Iran's dominant "Twelver" sect believes this will be Mohammed ibn Hasan, regarded as the 12th Imam, or righteous descendant of the Prophet Mohammad.

He is said to have gone into "occlusion" in the ninth century, at the age of five. His return will be preceded by cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed. After a cataclysmic confrontation with evil and darkness, the Mahdi will lead the world to an era of universal peace.

This is similar to the Christian vision of the Apocalypse. Indeed, the Hidden Imam is expected to return in the company of Jesus.

Interesting stuff here.

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Re: Iran.
Reply #5 - Jan 14th, 2006 at 10:11pm
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This is the first I've heard of a Muslim sect believing the 12th Imam will return in the company of Jesus, which is kind of odd.  For what it's worth, Muslims believe Jesus Christ was a prophet, although they deny his deity.

This is a great "foot in the door" for witnessing, by the way.

( out.)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #6 - Jan 15th, 2006 at 2:02am
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Just like any religion...Islam has it's sects too.  Albiet dramtically different views on who does what.  I would think this would be easy to solve.  Go to Koran...see who comes when....see who top cheese is under Alah...problem solved.  Although Christianity would be much better is we did something like this for all its petty squabbles instead of splitting up churches.  By the way, did you know (I had just found this out a month ago), that Mormons have 2 sects.  That's right...after Joseph Smith died...his first wife and son, Joseph Smith III, said the "promised land" was in GA.  However, many people liked Brigham Young more, who said Utah was said land.  There the "one, true living church set up by God"....was split.  Just a tid bit for all us Mormon lovers/laughers/haters out there.

(Mormons = Islam = hilarity!)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #7 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 12:09pm
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Here we go again...this is just perfect now that the Patriot Act is ending, the Super Bowl is coming up just when it expires...and now we have Iran, Iraq, and Afganistan to deal here it comes.  These links were taken from Drudge...where I was half expected to see the main story be how two American Idol contestents were arrested by police.


**Bin Laden Offers Truce
**Full tape was 10 minutes long
**CLAIM: al-Qaida making preparations for attacks in USA
**TAUNT: Laden says heightened security measures are not reason no attacks since 9/11
**'Operations that need preparations, and you will see them'

Briney I tried to call you about this but one ring and it goes to voice mail.

(We need to start planning again)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #8 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 12:43pm
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Dude holy crap. I got ya Patrick, my phone was off.

Hillary fricking Clinton is even saying Bush is downplaying Iran and we need to impose sanctions.

France is defending their right to use nuclear weapons against terrorist states. WTF, when did nuclear weapons become an option. There is too much talk of using them these days.

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Re: Iran.
Reply #9 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 11:14pm
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France is only in a hurry to use their nukes because they think it'll make the rest of the world stop viewing them as a bunch of pansies.

(...thinks so.)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #10 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 3:15am
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Iran getting smart...leading us deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole!


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Re: Iran.
Reply #11 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 5:55am
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Iran has a program that will go into effect soon that will allow other countries to buy oil from them using the Euro. Currently OPEC uses the dollar to buy, sell and value oil. The United States bargained with Saudia Arabia back in the early 70's to arrange this. The US would support the Saudi government in exchange for only accepting dollars as payment for oil. The other OPEC countries quickly followed suit. This meant that any country that wanted oil would have to maintain a stock of American money. Since demand for oil has been growing like crazy, the demand for the dollar has also gone up. Basically oil is the new gold that is backing our economy because countries that want oil must use the US dollar to purchase what oil they need. This promotes trading and exchange of our currency in the global market, and is key to keeping our economy stable.

Iraq back in 2000 started putting plans into action to switch to the Euro in regards to oil sales. It never fully matured or taken seriously by other countries because it was started by our dear friend Saddam Hussein. After the American invasion any chance of this plan was crushed. Now we have Iran about to start their own oil exchange, and all of a sudden there is this intense urgency to curb Iran's nuclear program. BS. America needs to protect its empire, and it can't have the 4th largest oil exporter switch to a different currency. This would let other countries start to sell their stockpiles of the dollar and they could switch over to the Euro. All it takes is one country to start buying oil with the Euro and many others will soon follow. As the dollar depreciates in value, we can say hello to inflation in the United States.

The Iranian Oil exchange program is scheduled to start up sometime in March of 2006. Interesting how that fits into the current timeline for military hostilities against Iran. I think this is why Iran's president has been so boisterous towards Western countries. He has a massive amount of leverage. Already he has said if the UN emposes sanctions on Iran, he could possibly stop oil exports altogether, crippling world oil production.

Personally, I think the US is heading for a major conflict, followed by a pretty deep depression and/or the eventual collapse of America as we know it.

Plus, we are overdue for a "terrorist attack."


( avoiding Detroit on the Superbowl due to possible nuclear fire)

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Re: Iran.
Reply #12 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 12:50pm
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I'm going to have to disagree with you on certain points here, Briney.

While I agree it's true that using the dollar is helpful for the US, I disagree that the dollar "is the new gold".  First of all, the US could go bankrupt at any time if the inernational bankers called up the loans the federal govt owes them.  This has been done on purpose and as such the feds have given away some "federal land and state parks" among those is the Grand Canyon!  So our American land has been turned over to inernational bankers as collateral.  Also, gold will be the only gold from now till the end of time.  Third, the dollar, while experiencing better results than the pound, peso, yen, and all others; has been decreasing in value since the 1980s.  This has allowed foreign investors, not to mention Japan and CHINA!, to procure some of our debt.  This, in my humble opinion, is an act of treason.  But I digress.  The dollar is not even worth a dollar and it's competition with the euro is coming about.  With the growing power of the EU, as well as US money following away to Mexico, the dollar is only worth, I believe right now, 86 cents for every dollar.  Remember, last summer of '05, where it fell as sharp as 63 cents for every dollar.  This was done in order to allow the EU to grab more countires when they were annexing, basically, other countries.  When they were done for a time being, think of it as the end of a Risk(c) turn, the dollar went back up quickly.  While this was done purposely by the federal reserve, which is neither federal nor have any reserves, gold has never decreased so sharply in value.  If anything gold, even when it has dipped in value, has risen faster and farther than any investment in the entire history of the world.  I believe the only thing that would compete with the value of gold would be, and I think I'm correct on this but do correct me if I'm wrong, is if someone were to find out hwo to make platinum which would be a vitale component in the making of hydrogen fuel cells.  Even still, gold is the top thing to invest in if you were, let's say, to want to make money.

Also, I believe the move you describe here just shows you even more that Iran is being controlled by a leader who's an operative.  This man, who if you look at the history of, has taken the place of a moderate, good, and elected leader who was thrown out of power.  He has said all the wrong things, exterminate Israel, the Holocost didn't happen, etc.  He has done all the wrong things, such as this.  This will hurt his economy more than anything because the dollar will stay high even if he does this.  If this man isn't an operative then he should go down in history as being the worst country leader of all time.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #13 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 12:28pm
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I found and article on the subject Patrick. It's a good read.

America monopolizes the oil trade. Oil is denominated in dollars and sold on either the NYMEX or London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), both owned by Americans. This forces the central banks around the world to maintain huge stockpiles of dollars even though the greenback is currently underwritten by $8 trillion of debt and even though the Bush administration has said that it will perpetuate the deficit-producing tax cuts.

America’s currency monopoly is the perfect pyramid-scheme. As long as nations are forced to buy oil in dollars, the United States can continue its profligate spending with impunity. (The dollar now accounts for 68% of global currency reserves up from 51% just a decade ago) The only threat to this strategy is the prospect of competition from an independent oil exchange; forcing the faltering dollar to go nose-to-nose with a more stable (debt-free) currency such as the euro. That would compel central banks to diversify their holdings, sending billions of dollars back to America and ensuring a devastating cycle of hyper-inflation.


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Re: Iran.
Reply #14 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 1:15pm
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MediaMaster wrote on Jan 21st, 2006 at 5:55am:
Already he has said if the UN emposes sanctions on Iran, he could possibly stop oil exports altogether, crippling world oil production.

He's bluffing, and he's doing a poor job of it.  Iran can't cut off their oil exports without bringing their economy to a screeching halt.

Sure, oil commodities would go through the roof, but it wouldn't kill America (assuming it was short term).  However, Iran would go bankrupt practically overnight.  Their economy absolutely depends on selling oil to America and they know it.

(...would like to see some hard facts.)

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