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Nov 6th, 2007 at 2:46pm
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The story so far:

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1249 - Today at 1:52pm Quote
Yea that was pretty bad.

To start a debate: A woman is abused. Divorce? or not? The guy turned sour over time. Can she remarry?

Or the guy/girl you're with is just NOT your type and you rushed into it.


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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1250 - Today at 2:12pm Quote
Quote from Briney on Today at 1:52pm:
To start a debate: A woman is abused. Divorce? or not? The guy turned sour over time. Can she remarry?

Here's the correct way to handle the problem.  The woman's father needs to shoot her husband, thereby making her a widow.  Then, she's free to remarry.

Sorry, was that Pharisaical of me?

Or the guy/girl you're with is just NOT your type and you rushed into it.

Too bad, so sad.  You made a lifelong commitment, and you're obligated to see it through to the bloody end.

God isn't going to give you a pass on your marital vows simply because you've decided your spouse "isn't your type."

(...doesn't have all the answers.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1251 - Today at 2:31pm Quote
Where does forgiveness come into play? The fact that people will look down on those that have remarried boggles my mind. We have all sinned. What about those that messed up, weren't paying attention to what God wanted, and just married someone that wasn't right for them? Then they get out of their backsliding state and realize their spouse is totally wrong for them, and not Godly at all. They should be paired with someone that brings down their faith the rest of their lives? Of course not. 

We need to be forgiving and loving Christians. Its not a situation of absolutes anymore or we would all be absolutely going to hell anyway. Jesus died for us and by His blood we are forgiven for all of our sins, including adultery in the form of divorce. In my opinion, get right with God, repent, and get on with your life, with God and the Word as your guide.
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Reply #1 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 2:48pm
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Im so confused! But also happy to have a debate thread!

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Reply #2 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 2:58pm
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Wow, I'm surprised this isn't called the "Random Debate Thread!"  Originality is good!

(...THIS IS.... MY POST!)

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Reply #3 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 2:59pm
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Yeah, you're right, we shouldn't look down on those that have divorced.  That's not our place.  Even if it was our place, we should forgive them and move on.

However, that doesn't change the fact that divorce in most situations is a sin.  That's a completely different topic.  The Bible specifically says we shouldn't commit a sin simply because we know we'll be forgiven for it.

If you're in a "bad" marriage that is "dragging down your faith," I think God would want you to do everything in your power to make things right.  If you ditch your spouse simply because they don't know Christ as their savior, you're abandoning them in their greatest time of need.  I personally can't imagine a greater or more influential witness than a godly spouse!

Getting out of a marriage simply because your spouse isn't "godly" enough is a cop-out.  Anybody that backs out of their marriage vows outside of a very narrow set of biblically-defined parameters is bailing on one of their greatest promises.

(...realizes his opinion runs contrary to popular sentiment.)

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Reply #4 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 3:15pm
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A woman is abused. Divorce? or not? The guy turned sour over time. Can she remarry?

If he's a non-believer then the Bible says you can divorce.  However if he is a Christian than I would suggest that woman get out of the house PDQ an pray hard.  You should never put yourself or your kids in danger, whether you are male or female.  However, because of the pact you made not with man but with God, you must either wait until one of three things happens.  He dies, he cheats on you, or he repents.

Or the guy/girl you're with is just NOT your type and you rushed into it.

It doesn't matter if you rushed into it or not.  The Bible says that even if you have sex before marriage it's best to get married right away so that you do not live in sin.

1Co 7:8  I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
1Co 7:9  But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

If we are to be Christians and children of God then we must trust His Word, the Bible.  Divorce is only offered under two instances.  Sexual infidelity and one spouse being a non-Christian.

Where does forgiveness come into play? The fact that people will look down on those that have remarried boggles my mind. We have all sinned.

This is true.  We should not judge people for all have sinned.  And no one should ever look down on anyone.  I should never look down on a man who has murdered and become a Christian for I am as guilty as he is in the judgment of God.  However I do want to make it clear that if you are a Christian and you do not try and help your fellow brothers and sisters turn away from sin than you do not truly love them.  So if someone came to me asking if they should remarry and they tell me that their husband/wife hasn't remarried, cheated on him/her sexually, or is a Christian I would tell them not to get remarried because it violates God's Wishes.

What about those that messed up, weren't paying attention to what God wanted, and just married someone that wasn't right for them? Then they get out of their backsliding state and realize their spouse is totally wrong for them, and not Godly at all. They should be paired with someone that brings down their faith the rest of their lives? Of course not. 

If they were all Christians back when the first "messed up" then I would say you're wrong.  They should be paired with someone who they choose.

Gal 6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

If you make a mistake you must live with that mistake.  If you lie in a court of law you will be arrested because you broke your word that you'd tell the truth.  There is no do overs there, no reset button.

I may not understand that part of your statement so if I'm misunderstanding it please tell me and clarify. 

We need to be forgiving and loving Christians. Its not a situation of absolutes anymore or we would all be absolutely going to hell anyway. Jesus died for us and by His blood we are forgiven for all of our sins, including adultery in the form of divorce. In my opinion, get right with God, repent, and get on with your life, with God and the Word as your guide.

I agree with your first sentence.  However I'm not quite sure I can agree or understand your second.

Are you saying that there are no absolutes?  If that is true than what does it matter if I don't do anything God says because I'm saved.

Joh 14:23  Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Joh 14:24  He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
Joh 14:25  These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
Joh 14:26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

A sign of salvation is leaving your old life behind and becoming that new creation in Christ.  The way for this to show itself is to do what God says.

Let's use a different subject than divorce.  Let's say I tell you I'm a Christian and I go to church and am involved in a whole slew of stuff in the church and I'm even an elder.  Now let's say that for the past 3 years I've killed 7 people.  I'm not following what God says but I keep telling you that I'm a Christian.  From my actions it doesn't sound like I'm on based on John 14.

Now let me put this up to clarify.  Divorced people can be Christian...even if they don't do it right.  If you are truly saved and you get divorced the wrong way it's not a damnable offense.  Even believers still sin.  However if you negate God's commandments for either your personal beliefs or because you think salvation is a free ride to sinning (and divorce done incorrectly IS a sin) then you are going against God and against what He gave freely to you when He selected you to be a child of God.


If you're in a "bad" marriage that is "dragging down your faith," I think God would want you to do everything in your power to make things right.  If you ditch your spouse simply because they don't know Christ as their savior, you're abandoning them in their greatest time of need.  I personally can't imagine a greater or more influential witness than a godly spouse!

You made me think of something here, Bob.  If we are suppose to set our sites on being like Christ as much as possible then shouldn't that show us why divorce is wrong in this "bad marriage" deal.  That would mean every time we sin against God, He would "divorce" us from salvation.  I for one am glad God doesn't do that so I can be secure in my salvation.  If your spouse isn't as "spiritually sound as you" that's a perfect way to grow closer growing closer to God.


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Reply #5 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 3:17pm
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Just to clarify I was saying that Adam condemned us all to hell, and that is not absolute anymore because we can be forgiven if we accept and confess Jesus as our savior. Sorry for confusion.

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Reply #6 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 3:25pm
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Also, this should be a moot point to Christians, because we should be paying attention to God's wishes here. He wants a personal relationship with us and to guide us. If we stick to the Word, and our conscience (made pure by becoming saved because the Holy Spirit is in us) we as Christians wont have this problem. We will marry the correct person for us, and have a pure and sanctified marriage.

I was just speaking for those that have gotten themselves into abusive relationships, etc.

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Reply #7 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 3:34pm
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MediaMaster wrote on Nov 6th, 2007 at 3:25pm:
If we stick to the Word, and our conscience (made pure by becoming saved because the Holy Spirit is in us) we as Christians wont have this problem. We will marry the correct person for us, and have a pure and sanctified marriage.

That's the stuff!

We can talk about hypothetical situations until our tongues bleed, but it ultimately comes down to what you just said.

(...nods nods nods.)

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Reply #8 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 4:43pm
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I for one am against giving women the right to vote.  Scientists have proven their brains are half the size of a mans....Figured I would post this since if bob come to a conclusion I figured the debate was over.

That's how science works!
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Reply #9 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 5:08pm
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Global warming? Real or just the natural cycles of the earth? Do so called carbon emissions effect the climate?

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Reply #10 - Nov 7th, 2007 at 5:07am
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Ya know I could list all the things wrong with the theory of GW...but there's a great movie called GLOBAL WARMING OR GLOBAL GOVERNANCE that is just perfect.  I have it if anyone wants it, although it's a file that's about 700 megs and I don't think the FTP is up anymore.  I know it's on some bit torrent sites: (only if you're a demonoid account holder)

so that'd prob. be your best bet.

If not I can always file transfer it over to people.  There's this great prob called Hamachi that Briney, Eric, and I have been using to set up mini LANs over the net that also helps in file transfers...a bit slow but not too bad.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Reply #11 - Nov 12th, 2007 at 11:17pm
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Global Climate change is real.  In my humble opinion I believe that all the climate change is from the amount of concrete on the earth's surface now.  Its probably way off but that's my theory.

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Reply #12 - Nov 13th, 2007 at 8:32am
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If heat transfer were that simple, the ocean would have boiled off long ago.

(...must be missing something.)

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Reply #13 - Nov 13th, 2007 at 9:13am
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Oh man...I thought Stick was joking!  Concrete?


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Reply #14 - Nov 13th, 2007 at 9:18am
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I think we're overlooking the obvious answer.  Global Warming is very real, and it's caused by Briney's computer.

(...wonders what would happen without the Super Cooler?)

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